QuagMerica: Bogged about Libya, Bogged about Work and Bogged about Whistleblowers...



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Air date: 
Fri, 06/03/2011 - 12:00am
Pre-recorded interview with David Swansn, author of 'Is that Even Legal?'

I could understand - from a Kames Carville/War Room perspective - that Obama is acting out of poltical expediency.  It even occurred to me that he is doing these things because he wants to be 'Clintonesque' (As in 'Get re-elected; not as in 'Get a Blowjob').  Well, stranger plans have unfolded in The Evil Office.  But there is nothing about Obama's whole Libya Adventure that is justifiable on any grounds whatsoever.  The Obamistration managed to trip over its own dick merely in the process of defending the indefensible by asserting that the US would not pull its troops out of that nation.  Wait...we don't have troops in Libya...Do we?  We're just zooming around above the fray preserving the No-Fly Zone.  Aren't we?  Doesn't matter because whether we are up in the air, on the ground or under the groud, there is nothing about it that's legal.    Or, as DAvid Swanson writes, "We could end up with a war illegal under the Constitution, legal and illegal under laws and treaties depending which we choose to consult, and illegal or legal under a signing statement depending how we try to make sense of it, but legal under the Justice Department's memos. What's legal?"

Last week, the House of Misrepresentatives passed numerous amendments to the "Defense Authorization Act of 2012."  One such amendment required that, upon completion of the war, the U.S. military dig up and bring home the bones of U.S. sailors buried in Tripoli during an earlier war in 1804 – authorized but not declared by Congress. www.counterpunch.org/swanson06032011.html, and the video clip:  www.opednews.com/articles/Is-That-Even-Legal-by-David-Swanson-110602-896.html

Meanwhile, back at the federal courthouse, a seven-member jury is in closed-door deliberation on the fate of former police recruit turned Whistleblowewr, Lindsay Hunt.  As they wade through the muck, they are highly unlikely to discover that the "expert witness" (purchased by the cops with your money), one Eugene Klecan, no longer has an actual practice; that his patients, rated him at the absolute rock bottom in every category in on-line surveys.  Klecan however, makes a rather comfy living as a professional "expert witness", testifying in hundreds of trials and always on the side of the employer against the employee in similar situations.

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