Jonathan Kuttab spoke in February in Portland and Newberg Oregon. He is executive director of Friends of Sabeel North America (FOSNA) and cofounder of Sabeel Jerusalem. He also helped found the Palestinian human rights group Al-Haq, Nonviolence International, and Just Peace Advocates, a Canadian-based international law human rights nonprofit.
Kuttab practices as a well-known human rights attorney in the U.S., Palestine and Israel, and serves on the board of Bethlehem Bible College and as president of the Board of Holy Land Trust. He was the head of the legal committee negotiating the Cairo Agreement of 1994 between Israel and the PLO. He is also the author of Beyond the Two-State Solution, suggesting that any solution be predicated on the basic existential needs of the two parties.
As a Christian Palestinian resident of East Jerusalem, Kuttab brings personal perspectives in addition to professional insights from decades of experience as a human rights attorney. His lecture will be followed by a question and answer session.