Jan Haaken talks with Cynthia-Lou Coleman, Professor Emerita of communication at Portland State University, about her recent book, Environmental Clashes on Native American Lands (2020, Palgrave Macmillan). One of the clashes taken up in the book centers on the discovery near Kennewick Washington in the 1990s of ancient skeletal remains and a longstanding fight that followed over the fate of these remains. Professor Coleman tells the story of the discovery of "Kennewick Man"--the 9000-year old skeleton--and what was at stake for the tribes and for our thinking about the role of ideology and politics in scientific inquiry. In 2019 Coleman was named the Fulbright Canada Jarislowsky Foundation Visiting Research Chair in Aboriginal Studies at Vancouver Island University. She is an enrolled member of the Osage (Wahzhazhe) Nation.
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