Please join us for Transpositive on KBOO Community Radio on Tuesday, May 16th as we talk with Carter Lee, Emma and Nicolette about a protest that Carter is organizing at NCC Hillsboro. We will discuss growing up in religions that rejected us and how we survived abuse, indoctrination, shaming and shunning. We discuss the role that religions are playing in the current wave of transphobia and hate legislation sweeping over america.
Protest NCC for Queer and Trans Youth
In 2016, at the age of 14, Carter was a member of New Creation Church and attended a womens’ conference, in which, according to Carter, the pastor stated queer people were demonic. Carter reports that the pastor had an “alter call” and essentially said that they would “pray the gay away”. Because of the pressure of knowing that they were bisexual, Carter went up begrudgingly, knowing that if they didn't they would get a lecture about how they were going against god— as the church already knew Carter was bisexual, and were singling them out.
This was just the start of how Carter reports the church treated them horribly— over the next year, Carter says that members were told to not talk to them and told that they would fall away from god if they did. They would talk about how trans people and others in the LGBTQ community were “bad” and that they are “ruining the Earth”, frequently saying that they would “harm women and children”.
This year, Carter is putting together a protest of New Creation Church’s womens’ conference to make it known that these pastors are actively harming trans and queer youth, and to show that while some churches are accepting and welcoming of trans people, this church is not— and people should not support them after what they have done.
About Transpositive:
Transpositive is a biweekly program in Portland exploring themes important to those who identify as Transgender, Gender Non-Binary, and Gender Non-Conforming. Transpositive tries to connect listeners with the ongoing activist, arts, culture, and dialogue happening in Portland and beyond. Make your voice heard! Transpositive PDX is open to new and experienced programmers, guests, and events you want our community to know about. We are an open collective. Anyone who identifies as trans, gender non-binary, gender fluid is welcome to be part of our collective after completing some basic free radio training. For more information contact Emma at transpositivepdx@gmail.com
Protest NCCfor Queer and Trans Youth: https://www.facebook.com/events/1258034988468657
Transpositive PDX on KBOO 90.7FM or online at KBOO.FM
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