Bill Resnick talks to Jesse Hagopian about the recent Florida law, led by Led by Governor Ronald DeSantis, the “Stop W.O.K.E. Act” that is aimed at criminalizing teaching Black history, banning books and limiting what can be taught, claiming that Critical Race theory is itself racist, with whites the victims, their children indoctrinated to hate their country and turn against their parents, making good kids feel uncomfortable and guilty. Jesse and Bill expose the malicious deceit of Desantis’ justifications, and the current impact of the law, with other Red states enacting their imitations, and teachers fearful and intimidated. It concludes with discussion of the growing resistance. Jesse teaches at Garfield in Seattle. He’s an influential and prolific writer, many articles and several books, recently the book Teaching for Black Lives published by the organization Rethinking Schools. It’s not yet banned on the book shelves of Florida schools, but surely will be soon. Part two of this interview airs on April 3.
Photo by Katerina Holmes, courtesy of Pexels: https://www.pexels.com/photo/black-teacher-with-kids-in-modern-classroom-5905919/