Lentil Underground, Tempeh in Indonesia, Eating Seasonally for Sustainability


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Air date: 
Wed, 08/17/2022 - 11:00am to 12:00pm


11:00 - 11:30AM


KBOO Food Show: Lentil Underground, the Audiobook 

Liz Carlisle, author of Lentil Underground, is featured on this episode of the Food Show. We are joined by Tavia Gilbert, who is an award-winning audio narrator and who narrated the audiobook version of Lentil Underground. We talk about the book and Tavia treats us to a reading of a passage.

Also featured on the show is a story from Sandor Katz about a time he visited Indonesia and experienced the tempeh making process first hand.

Produced by KBOO

Released on 01-08-2018


11:30AM - 12:00PM


When the BioMass Hits the Wind Turbine: Eating Seasonally

Globalization and genetically modified food has led to a world where nearly every plant can be harvested and shipped nearly every week of the year. While this is convenient - it is not natural. And can lead to some serious problems.

Join Annie and Jay Warmke of Blue Rock Station for a discussion of the realities of sustainable living.

Produced by Jay & Annie Warmke

Released on 08-07-2022




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