September 19, 2021
Musical perspectives on the equinox; cuffing season; distributed decision making; disenfranchisement; Libra season; ancient but still-living languages; and the human experience in general.
Music from around the world and right here at home as well as readings from the poet who wrote it.
Alfantoukh, L., Ruan, Y., & Durresi, A. (2018). Multi-stakeholder consensus decision-making framework based on trust: A Generic Framework. 2018 IEEE 4th International Conference on Collaboration and Internet Computing (CIC). https://doi.org/10.1109/cic.2018.00012
Cornell University. (2011). Honeybee Democracy. Retrieved September 19, 2021, from https://youtu.be/XgSbPkInTzs
δῆμος. Wiktionary. (n.d.). Retrieved September 19, 2021, from https://en.m.wiktionary.org/wiki/%CE%B4%E1%BF%86%CE%BC%CE%BF%CF%82#Ancie...