Voices from the Edge on 09/16/2010



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Air date: 
Thu, 09/16/2010 - 12:00am
Debate between Multnomah County Commissioner candidates Karol Collymore and Loretta Smith
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by dmazza001

Who should be Multnomah County's next District 2 Commissioner? A candidate debate with Karol Collymore and Loretta Smith

Providing essential social services in a time of growing demand, replacing the Sellwood Bridge, competing with Portland for scarce tax dollars: these are just some of the issues facing the next person representing District 2 on the Multnomah County Commission. This year, the commissioner race is made more special by the fact that two African American women are vying for the position. Karol Collymore is a community activist and a former staff member for District 2 Commissioner Jeff Cogen (now serving as County Chair). Loretta Smith is the another long-time activist and the Multnomah County field representative for U.S. Senator Ron Wyden. How do they differ on the key issues facing the county? This week, Jo Ann hosts a debate between the two candidates about how they will serve county residents if elected.

Dave Mazza is taking the week off. He'll be back next Thursday.

Coming this month:

September 23: Jo Ann and Dave talk with Nancie Koerber of Good Grief America about the foreclosure crisis and whether government relief efforts or helping or hurting homeowners. Also, Jo Ann and Dave look at the upcoming police accountability march.
Jo Ann Bowman is a former state legislator, former executive director of Oregon Action, and a long-time leader in the struggle for racial and economic justice. Dave Mazza is a freelance journalist and former editor of The Portland Alliance who has covered and been involved in Portland's civil rights, peace, labor and environmental movements for 20 years.
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Program Engineer: Steve Nassar
Audio Editor: Alicia Olsen

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