


chapter three already!

Want to start at the beginning?  Go down two more blogs.  In this chapter the "rapture" hits the cruise liner, and the libido hits the fan.   THREE   Rod Rigidson stiffly pretended to look over the NOAA report as he stood at the bridge.  The area was quiet, except for the ... Read more

Inauguration Ambient Media Mix

I can't simply watch anything anymore, no matter how anticipated or exciting. Such is my musical ADD that I can't listen to anything without mixing it with something else. You know you're a hopeless mix geek when you try to see if you can't plug more than one audio devic... Read more

” The End Of An Error"(The W Years) 1/20/09 3am

 As 2009 dawns anew, we find our nation facing the hope and promise of a new administration and the anticipation of something different- an historical change to truly believe in. But before we can honestly move forward, it might be useful (if not somewhat amusing and pai... Read more

Submission Call for Un-Herd

Airs at: Sun, 01/04/2009 at 4:00pm
Produced for Un-Herd
Un-herd is a program for live audible performance art. If you think you have something unusual to perform on the air, be it music, comedy, theater, sounds, or whatever, propose it to Sean Ongley. Drop something at KBOO Attn: Sean Ongley 20 SE 8th Ave Portland OR 97214. O... Read more


 Hey there all you "Old-Timers" ( and You "Young-Ones" too) - Don't Miss the VINYL PAJAMA PARTY™©® this  week (11/25) 3 am till 530 am  To observe KBOO's 40th Year on the air, Brian and his special guest will bring you  "YOU ARE THERE-1968" Listen in as we give up the best... Read more

One Two One Two Zulu

  --->   4th Sundays from 8:00 PM to 10:00 PM. Hip Hop from all corners and blocks.... One Two, One Two ZULUUUUU!!! Grimrock: Turntablist from Portland, and member of the Universal Zulu Nation Oregon Chapter (45th Parallel Zulus) and other guest Read more

Eet -- Live, Dancable Musique Concrete`

Airs at: Thu, 10/16/2008 at 5:00pm
By day, Ryan Stuewe and Alyssa Reed are public elementary school teachers here in Portland, and by night produce compelling contemporary concrete` music that can fly in to psychedelic worlds or supremely danceable pop and world beats, all the while using some of the most... Read more

Portland Artists of the Time Based Arts Festival and the Leftbank Project

Airs at: Wed, 09/03/2008 at 5:00pm
Produced for Art Focus
Here is a report about the Time Based Arts Festival, 2008. In 16 1/2 minutes I present audio from the Pica birthday party, Leftbank Project, and Interviews: Mark Russell, Mega Church, Fleshtone, Erin Boberg Doughton, Brian Costello, Ethan Rose, Luke Wyland of AU, Mike Ba... Read more

Portland Bands on WFMU's Beware of the Blog

More Portland bands than you could shake a stick at over at East Orange, New Jersey's WFMU blog:It's time for another heaping offering of mp3s from WFMU's Free Music Archive!  This time, we're going to Portland, OR. A few things I've learned about the city: Portlanders h... Read more

Boat Delivers Medecine Against Israeli Blockade

Airs at: Tue, 07/29/2008 at 5:00pm
Produced for Evening News
  The Free Gaza movement is a group of international and Palestinian activists working to open the Gaza Strip, an area which is currently under siege by Israeli military forces.The group is currently in Cyprus loading medical supplies onto fishing ships. On Tuesday, they... Read more