From 5:30 - 9 on Election Night 2016, KBOO will feature live interviews and guests including candidates for local political offices, analysts and KBOO radio personalities.
We'll also be broadcasting live from the Willamette Week party at Grand Central Bowling!
Tune in for an alternative perspective on election night 2016.
Check out some of our previous coverage from the election season:
Secretaries of State evaluate their Voting Processes (with KBOO host Don Merrill)
Instant runoff/ranked choice voting - initiative in Benton County, Oregon
Rundown on the Oregon ballot measures on Abe and Joe Talk Radio
Debate on Oregon Ballot Measure 97 (Corporate tax)
Investigative Journalist Greg Palast on the purging of minority voters from voter rolls
Consumer advocate Ralph Nader on campaign finance reform and Multnomah County Ballot Measure 26-184
Labor Radio: Multnomah County Campaign Finance Measure, and District 4 Candidate