Rest in Peace, John Talley



John Talley passed away on Sunday.

We at KBOO would like to pay tribute to former KBOO program host John Talley, who died on Sunday, March 25th. John was the longtime host of the show “Indian World” which aired on KBOO from 1975 until a few years ago, when John retired from the show because of health issues.

Indian World, the first Indian program in the Portland area, featured coverage of Native activities and interests with music, news, interviews, legends, poetry and a calendar of events.

Many of us will always remember a moving segment of Indian World in which John would call out the names of the Native American tribes. John himself was Mohawk, born in New York State.

John Talley was a warm, generous and caring man. He mentored many KBOO volunteers and welcomed countless others as guests on his show. His spirit will be greatly missed.


<div style="text-align: center;"><a href=" style="display:block; margin:0px auto 10px; text-align:center;cursor:pointer; cursor:hand;width: 400px; height: 300px;" src=" alt="" id="BLOGGER_PHOTO_ID_5724395677039989170" border="0"></a><font size="5"><span style="font-weight: bold;">We're gonna miss you, John!</span><br style="font-weight: bold;">

Dmae Roberts's picture

<p>I"m so sorry to hear this. I didn't know John but it's times like this that reminds me what a strong community of fine individuals who have graced the airwaves of KBOO.&nbsp;I wish to extend my sincereest condolences to his family and friends. &nbsp;Take care, Dmae</p>
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To all at KBOO:
I love that picture that Eugene Johnson posted!  Our family is heartened by the support and love that the Portland and KBOO community has shown to John and to our family.   We will miss him tremendously.    Niá:wen

So sad to hear of the passing of John Talley.. I will remember the time he invited me to visit KBOO and talk about his career. He was gracious enough to allow me to interview him.. After the interview we went to some pub for a beer and a snack.. I drove him to his apartment after that and watched as he dissappeared into the building.. I am so blessed to spent a little time with John, a true radio pro, and I am a better braodcaster becasue of him..
RIP John

Reggae Bob's picture

As his Spirit soars among us , we are blessed to have had him in our KBOO family. To me, John would seem to be the Epitome of  a Radio show host representing his People.  Condolences to the Family,  and if there is anything that we can do, let us know ! Transportation, support, etc. 503-253-2277  Please let us know when and where for the services.

S.W. Conser's picture

<p>Since 1975, John has inspired generations of programmers and volunteers at KBOO and around the nation(s). &nbsp;Quick to laugh, and with an encouraging word for all, he brought emerging artists and up-and-coming voices into the studio while always honoring the traditional stories, songs, and community spirit. &nbsp;I was proud to call John a friend and will look forward to the many tributes to come, including <a href="">this Sunday evening's live on-air concert</a> by Spider Moccasin.</p>

Redwillow's picture

<p><span style="font-size: large;">In February 2011 I started an informal interview with John Talley and recorded it on my little voice recorder. <br>
<p><span style="font-size: large;">I listened to some of it today....John talked about being invited to the area schools to talk about what it's like to be a present day Indian and a little about his political activism in the time of Wounded Knee..<br>
<p><span style="font-size: large;">Plan to share this on my show...</span></p>

 That is exciting!  I can't wait to hear it!

 I was deeply saddened to learn of the passing of John Talley. I first met John in 1975 when I lived near him and his partner Chet Fuller near Cleveland High. It was about the time he began his show at KBOO. He was always a kind, gracious, and generous man with a great sense of humor. The last time I saw him was about three years ago at the Delta Park powwow. You were a good and caring friend to many, John, and you will be greatly missed.