Reggae Runnin's...



yo, guess I will start off with some upcoming events that I highly recommend...


Ras Danny's picture

listen to Higher Reasoning Reggae Time and get chances to acquire FREE Pairs of tickets for upcoming reaggae events
Sunday morning, July 5th, there will be ticket gives for the
Abbyssinians/ Etana/ Roots Revealers @ Roseland, July 8
and also for Reggae Rising Music Festival, July 31st - Aug 3
in Humboldt County California

Ras Danny's picture

next Sunday, July 12, at about 5:30 am, I will be interviewing
Prezident Brown about his new release Common Prosperity
and about his soon come appearances at Tayberry Jam & Reggae Rising Music Festival
he will also be at the 'Eugene Celebration'
we be debuting Prezident Brown's Common Prosperity THIS Sunday, July 5th, 3-6:30 am

many more interviews to happen over the next month on Higher Reasoning Reggae Time,
stay tuned!