


Food Safety in a Post-Fukushima World

Here's a link to an article I just wrote for OpEd news. We need to push for better testing of food for radiation contamination.  http://www.opednews.com/articles/Food-Safety-in-the-Post-Fu-by-Marianne-Barisonek-110513-897.html Read more

Have fun volunteering for the Spring Membership Drive, and help KBOO too!

Have you been curious about how KBOO works? Do you have a little time to spend with us? If you want to check things out from the other side of your radio speakers, this is your time! KBOO's Spring Membership Drive begins Thursday, April 28th and runs through Saturday, Ma... Read more


Artist Kevin Fitzpatrick worked with RACC and close to 60 community and staff volunteers on the KBOO Community Radio mural project. The mural adds color, energy and style to the building and the street.  Swing by on bike, foot or vehicle, check out the mural and visit KBO... Read more

Volunteer Holiday Party / Open House this Saturday, Dec. 18th

We work hard together, so I'm very much hoping that you will be able to socialize, and share in some fun, too.  We will have refreshments, and the best company you could hope for! Please feel free to bring guests, and show off our station. You are so important to KBOO-- we ... Read more

Just who is steering this ship, anyways?

For much of this year, KBOO has operated without a Station Manager. In keeping with KBOO’s tradition of trying innovative ideas to address challenges, the board accepted a proposal by the staff to give collective management a trial run.  Initially, we started out by apporti... Read more

The Fall Membership Drive has been extended, and we need your help!

KBOO is in the midst of our Fall Membership drive. There is no better time to get involved! Whether you are already a KBOO volunteer, or brand new to the community, we need you to make this drive successful! We welcome all supporters to answer phones during the drive. Thi... Read more

Volunteer Update--

There are exciting things happening at KBOO-- and it's a great time to get more involved!  Here's a quick rundown of the current events at your community radio station. Our Annual Book & Record Sale happens on Saturday, August 28th, at the Musician's Union Hall.  We need vo... Read more

Thanks to volunteers for helping with the Winter Membership Drive!

A huge thanks to the volunteers who helped with the Winter Membership Drive! It was a pleasure to meet many new volunteers, who jumped right in to lend a hand. I very much enjoyed introducing new people to KBOO and to the dynamic community of volunteers who make KBOO what it... Read more

KBOO's Winter Membership drive needs you!

KBOO's Winter Membership Drive begins on Friday, January 22nd. We still have opportunities for volunteers to staff the phones during our nine-day on air fundraiser, which ends Saturday, January 30th. Shifts are available from early morning through the evening. Please cont... Read more

Volunteers needed to help answer membership drive phones, and more!

Have you been wanting to get more involved with KBOO?  This is your time!  KBOO’s Fall Membership Drive begins Thursday, October 1st, through Saturday, October 17th.  KBOO’s existence depends on membership drives as more than 80% of our funding comes from our listeners--th... Read more