


Health workers need optimal respiratory protection for Ebola

Airs at: Mon, 10/20/2014 at 12:00am
Produced for Evening News
In mid-September, Dr. Lisa Brosseau and Dr. Rachael Jones wrote a commentary for CIDRAP News, a service of the Center for Infectious Disease Research and policy at the University of Minnesota, titled “Health Workers need optimal respiratory protection for Ebola.” Brosseau a... Read more

Public Health and Social Spending

Airs at: Mon, 10/13/2014 at 12:00am
Produced for Old Mole Variety Hour
Bill Resnick talks with Dr. Walter Tsou about the importance of public health. They consider  how our social spending priorities, over determined by war and market competition, and in that vein the private medical insurance regime, undermine our public health and leave us v... Read more

Old Mole Variety Hour for October 13, 2014

Airs at: Mon, 10/13/2014 at 12:00am
Produced for Old Mole Variety Hour
Joe Clement hosts this episode about public health and our vulnerability to epidemics like Ebola, gentrification as colonialist legacy, and racial perceptions of crime. Musical selections from Hazel Dickens, Leon Rosselson, James Talley, and Bonnie "Prince" Billy. Bill... Read more

Dr. Mica Carew and Dr. Josie Schmidt talk about the importance of balanced hormones

Airs at: Mon, 10/13/2014 at 12:00am
Produced for New Visions for Peace
Dr. Mica Carew, and Dr. Josie Schmidt talk about their upcoming workshop: Still the Mind, Stabilizing the Hormones, An Introduction to Hormone Balancing and the Mind/Body Connection October 25th and 26th which will be held at Cannon Beach Yoga Arts on the Oregon coast. Hor... Read more

Craig Lewis: Punk Rock, Mental Illness and Recovery

Airs at: Sun, 10/05/2014 at 12:00am
Craig Lewis is a punk rock mental health and recovery advocate, member of the Boston punk rock scene, Upheaval Fanzine editor, and the author of 'Better Days - A Mental Health Recovery Workbook". He has also recently edited 'You're Crazy' Volume One which featuresfirst-hand... Read more

Old Mole Variety Hour September 15

Airs at: Mon, 09/15/2014 at 12:00am
Produced for Old Mole Variety Hour
Joe Clement hosts this episode and we hear: Bill Resnick and Pat O'Herron discuss the relationship between climate change and public health. Frann Michel reads a Well-read Red commentary on "culinary capitalism". Larry Bowlden reviews Sarah Paretsky's 'Bleeding ... Read more

Pat O'Herron on Climate Change and Public Health

Airs at: Mon, 09/15/2014 at 12:00am
Produced for Old Mole Variety Hour
Bill Resnick talks with Pat O'Herron about climate change and public health. They consider how changing weather patterns, rising oceans, acidification and desertification, as well as pollution, change the conditions for illness and death. They address collapse in both "the ... Read more

A.J. Mooney Interview

Airs at: Sat, 09/13/2014 at 12:00am
Produced for Between Us
A.J. Mooney, along with co-authors Howard Eisenberg and Catherine Dold have just released the second edition of "The Recovery Book". The first edition, released in 1992 was a seminal work that was billed as "A lifesaving guide that answers all question and concerns of reco... Read more

Todd Moss Interview

Airs at: Thu, 09/04/2014 at 12:00am
Produced for Between Us
Todd Moss is the author of his first novel The Golden Hour, a fictional tale about international intrigue in the Horn of Africa. But he's also an expert on real life foreign policy as a Senior Fellow and CEO for the Center for Global Development, a Washington DC Think tank... Read more

Raising Expectations, and Raising Hell: Jane McAlevey's book on rank-and-file unionism

Airs at: Mon, 09/01/2014 at 12:00am
Produced for Old Mole Variety Hour
Old Moles Bill Resnick and Norm Diamond talk about union organizing by way of a mutual review of Jane McAlevey's book "Raising Expecations, and Raising Hell: my decade fighting for the labor movement". They consider the official and cynical meaning of labor day, but also th... Read more