Civil Rights/Human Rights



FLASHPOINTS: KBOO's Michael Leverette

Airs at: Fri, 07/31/2020 at 7:00pm - 8:00pm
Produced for Flashpoints
  KBOO producer and organizer Michael Leverette talked to Dennis Bernstein on Friday's Flashpoints about the experience of protesters on the street here in Portland during the Federal occupation, the 60+ days of protesting police brutality, and addressing the racism embedd... Read more

Evening News on 07/29/20

Airs at: Wed, 07/29/2020 at 5:00pm - 5:45pm
Produced for Evening News
On this edition of the KBOO Evening News: Portland public schools will be holding classes online until at least November; Some federal officials may begin leaving Portland as soon as tomorrow; And in international news, Israel's supreme court rules that Palestinian prison... Read more

Stone & Sjursen: The Unbearable Violence of Being American - Ep 71

Airs at: Tue, 07/28/2020 at 5:45pm - Tue, 08/04/2020 at 11:45pm
Produced for Fortress On A Hill
(click here to see the video version of this episode.) America's military industrial complex and multiple presidential administrations have funnelled several generations of soldiers through unwinnable wars from Vietnam to Afghanistan and Iraq seemingly without qualms. What... Read more

Hugh Palcic Interview

Produced for Between Us
Hugh Palcic is a democrat running for the Senate district 28.  He talks with Don Merrill about how he thinks the non affiliated voters will be important to help him win what has historically been a Republican seat,  why he says the five counties his district covers are "adr... Read more

Portland Protest Demands and the Fund The People Coalition in Washington County

Airs at: Mon, 07/27/2020 at 6:30pm - 7:00pm
Produced for Prison Pipeline
This week on Prison Pipeline, the demands of the Portland protesters and information on a coalition forming in Washington County focused on Defunding the police.   We speak to Jahdi Portland based, Rapper, Visual Artist, Organizer, and Hooper who has been active in the Po... Read more

IPR Director Ross Caldwell

Airs at: Fri, 07/24/2020 at 5:00pm - 6:00pm
  Portland’s primary police oversight system is overseen by the City Auditor’s Independent Police Review Division (IPR). IPR was founded in 2001 after a citizen-led initiative to overhaul the twenty-year old system then in place. Since then, it has both been touted as one ... Read more

Damon Motz-Storey of Oregon Physicians for Social Responsibility talks about the dangers of tear gas exposure

Airs at: Wed, 07/22/2020 at 5:30pm - 5:45pm
Produced for News In Depth, Evening News
  As demonstrations against police brutality continue across Portland, the Portland Police Bureau and federal agents continue to indiscriminately tear gas large crowds of protesters. KBOO's Nat Moon sits down with Damon Motz-Storey to talk about the dangers of chronic tea... Read more

Remembering Congressmen John Lewis

Airs at: Thu, 07/23/2020 at 8:00am - 9:00am
Produced for
Remembering Congressmen John Lewis Congressmen John Lewis, the civil rights icon died at the age of 80 on July 17th 2020. During the 1960s, Lewis was arrested more than 40 times and was beaten nearly to death in Selma, Alabama, during a march for voting rights in 1965. He ... Read more

Art Talk Bus Stop: Episode 6 with Patricia Vázquez Gómez

Airs at: Wed, 07/22/2020 at 11:00am - 11:30pm
Produced for Art Talk Bus Stop
Patricia Vázquez Gómez Patricia Vázquez Gómez works and lives between the ancient Tenochtitlán and the unceded, occupied, stolen and colonized lands of the Chinook, Clackamas, Multnomah and other Indigenous peoples. Her art practice investigates the social functions of art... Read more

Racial Capitalism

Airs at: Mon, 07/20/2020 at 9:00am - 10:00am
Produced for Old Mole Variety Hour
From the archive we hear Clayton Morgareidge's January 2019 commentary White Supremacy and Capitalism: Twin Evils. "Martin Luther King Jr. famously declared the trifecta of racism, militarism and capitalism as the great problem facing humanity. Old Mole Clayton Morgareidge... Read more