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Wouldn't want to be rude

Apparently, the myriad violations of the Constitution carried out by the Bushies warrant an investigation. But criminal prosecutions? Convictions? We wouldn't want to be rude.From 4, 2008 | WASHINGTON -- On the campaign trail in April, Barack Obama was asked ... Read more

Do you love'a animal? How?

One reader discusses the merit of'a caring for a pet, particularly a dog, and the wonders of unconditional love from'a that pet. Yes, people love animals in many ways, and animals love humans in a couple of'a ways. It is'a no shame to feel that animals are more affectionate... Read more

Hate Crime in Greeley, Colorado - Victim referred to as an "it"

Most of the time when a trans woman gets murdered, mainstream media outlets usually call her a man and use male pronouns.  Manytimes, what she was wearing before she was killed or beaten will be descriptively detailed along with underlying insinuations that she deserved it.... Read more

As a new KBOO volunteer, let me introduce myself

Hi folks,I suppose before I start using this blog to promote my filthy agenda of education and tolerance, it's probably appropriate for me to introduce myself.My name is Rebecca Nay.  I am a 30 something trans woman who has lived in Portland since 2001.  I transitioned to m... Read more


Senator Obama seems to be developing into a deliberative center of gravity, as a number of massive political objects – Iraqi Prime Minister Maliki, French Prime Minister Sarkozy, British Prime Minister Gordon Brown, and the White House – have swung inexorably into his orbit... Read more

Why are you a Republican?

 TPM Muckraker has the dirt on the Office of Professional Responsibility and Inspector General's report on the politicization of the Justice Department.Among the stringent Bush-era requirements for employment at DOJ: "What is it about George W. Bush that makes you want to s... Read more