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$LØW HE▲D Invites you to November

Mad Dash for winter snuggle ass,  and Venus was in retrograde this whole time.... Dayum!  It's about to go direct.  But before it does (that's tomorrow) think about what you've done.   $LØW HE▲D  slows the heartbeat down so you can listen to the explanation without losing t... Read more

Holiday Shopping

Esteemed KBOO listeners, If you decide to go shopping for friends or family this holiday season, please consider patronizing KBOO underwriters as a way of saying thank you for supporting the real voices and real radio upon which you rely. You can see a list of KBOO sponsors ... Read more

KBOO sets the standard for integrity in underwriting.

Here’s a story from “Marketplace” with some interesting discussion on the effects of corporate underwriting on noncommercial programming integrity and the importance of a firewall between programming and underwriting. I always take so much pride in pointing out that KBOO has... Read more

Review of Monsters, open 11/12/10

Monsters Director: Gareth Edwards With: Whitney Able, Scoot McNairy One of the conventional ideas about science fiction is that if our planet were invaded by hostile extra-terrestrials, we would all band together to defeat the common enemy, and then sing “Kumbayah” forever. ... Read more

Review of Morning Glory, now open (11/10/10)

Morning Glory Director: Roger Michell With: Rachel McAdams, Diane Keaton, Harrison Ford, Jeff Goldblum, Patrick Wilson, John Pankow In the first episode of The Mary Tyler Moore Show, Mary interviews with Lou Grant.  Grant has a frozen smile all through it, then tells her th... Read more