Recent Blog Posts



Grupo Corpo Returns to the Schnitz Tonight

Tonight at the Schnitz, Grupo Corpo. This is the kind of dance company that I don't see often, and I am excited about it. Here, you have that special balance of work presenting tradtions across the globe, it is a confluence of ballet, contemporary dance, and the myriad Braz... Read more

La Confessional for February 5, 2011

What fun we have on last programa, with'a so many talented callers (mostly) sharing they thoughts with'a you dearest listeners. Confessional02052011M by contessa Is complex world we living in, and is sometimes hard to find our way. La Confessional is'a you opportunity... Read more

In Website News

The amazing thing about this job is that I keep noticing new things about this website EVERY SINGLE DAY. Just now, I noticed that there were two different links in the Control Panel to create Community Calendar events. So I beg your forgiveness in advance if you are used to... Read more

Web Trainings in February

I'm happy to announce three different KBOO website trainings. Please sign-up if you plan to attend. Sign-up lists are posted in the training section, to the left of the white board by the receptionist desk. The trainings are all this month, and will resume again mid-March.... Read more

We reached our $50,000 Winter membership drive goal early Friday afternoon.

A huge round of thanks to the members, volunteers, food donors and staff who enabled us to reach our $50,000 goal over a day ahead of schedule.  This is the earliest we've ended a drive in years, so we're all really very excited about it.  If you didn't contribute yet, you ... Read more

Input on Community Calendar Needed Now!

As you might have guessed, I'm going to be redesigning the online KBOO Community Calendar with your input. And with your input, it can be great. Are you game? Do you have opinions about Community Calendars in general, or the KBOO Online Community Calendar in specific? Ever ... Read more