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Boarding School Generations

WSU VANCOUVER OFFERS TWO-DAY SYMPOSIUM AND EXHIBIT, "BOARDING SCHOOLSGENERATIONS"  VANCOUVER, Wash. - The Department of history and the College of LiberalArts at Washington State University Vancouver will present a two-daysymposium, "Boarding Schools Generations," from 7 - ... Read more

2011 Tōhoku earthquake and tsunami

For background information: Wikipedia: 2011 Tōhoku earthquake and tsunami News sources: Japanese media (mostly) in English (background courtesy of Wikipedia: Media of Japan): Television: NHK World (日本放送協会 Nippon Hōsō Kyōkai). NHK World is the international broadca... Read more

Al-Andalus Ensemble 4/9

Al-Andalus Ensemble DATE & TIME: One Show Only: April 9th 7:30pm LOCATION and CONTACT: Kaul Auditorium, Reed College, 3203 SE Woodstock Blvd. Portland, OR 97202.  Reed College Events  503/777-7522, or send an email to Tickets Kaul Au... Read more

Oregon Physicians for Social Responsibility Dinner

KBOO is a proud sponsor for the Oregon Physicians for Social Responsibility's Dinner Oregon PSR's annual awards dinner, which this year celebrates our 30th anniversary, has been confirmed for Friday, April 15th at the Oregon Zoo. Please mark the date now and plan to help u... Read more

Quileute Tribe Seeks to Relocate Village

The Quileute Tribe of Wasthington State are introducing bills into congress to get their village moved. Here is a link to their video. Here is a link to the Quileute tribal website: Read more