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Housing Fair

6th Annual Native American Housing to Homeownership Fair   Saturday July 30th 10am-3pm; NAYA Family Center --Siwash House   Join us for this fun community event that features information and resources for renters, homebuyers and homeowners. By visiting with the vendor... Read more

How Can We Create a Nuclear-Free World? Not Another Hiroshima, Nagasaki, or Fukushima.

KBOO is a proud media sponsor for How Can We Create a Nuclear-Free World? Not Another Hiroshima, Nagasaki, or Fukushima. Join Oregon PSR and our partner organizations for a commemoration of the nuclear bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki and the current nuclear disaster at ... Read more

My new face, emerging

Just a picture of my face, healing nicely, in the SOCO hotel lounge, July 28. Read more

Theresa/PW BA upate #4

The picture there is part of Ani's brilliant graffito iconography, soon to be available in some way... I am feeling much better, little pain, almost no bleeding, swelling down.  My new face is emerging. I have had many thoughts about being away from the US, and I will elabor... Read more

Theresa/PressWatch: Buenos Aires update

Please read the previous two posts if you want the background:  I am recovering from facial feminization surgery in Argentina.  I will resume PressWatch broadcasts mid-August.   I went to the Clinic this morning to be checked by the surgeon, a Dr. Robles, a focused and capa... Read more

Blase Bonpane and Emma's Revolution

Normal 0 KBOO is a proud media sponsor for Join the Revolution! "The Moral Revolution"   Join the Revolution! "The Moral Revolution" Blase Bonpane and Emma's Revolution featured at August 4th public event during peace vet conventions   PORTLAND, OREGON — Join the revolution... Read more