Portland Public School Board Ballots are Due May 19th


KBOO reporters Don Merrill and Joe Meyer teamed up to interview all eleven Portland School Board candidates.

 The goals of this project were two: To have a great process and to provide an audio resource for voters with 2 minutes to 10 hours of candidate research time.

 The school board oversees hundreds of millions of dollars, valuable land throughout the city,  and the education of fifty thousand of our most precious little assets.  Please take a few minutes to cast a more informed vote! Ballots are due May 19th.
How to use KBOO's Candidate - Stakeholder Grid

Clicking on the candidates name at the top if each colunm gives a 20 second 'why I'm running statement'. Clicking on the 'by Meyer' and 'by Merrill' links just below the candidate names gives the full 20-30 minute interviews. The links in the upper left corner of each grid give the KBOO InDepth piece for each zone.  Clicking on a question in the far left column gives the audio of the stakeholder asking the question.  The 'quick answer' links the rows gives each candidates 30 second answer to that question.

If you have plenty of time, listen to the full interviews. I guarantee you will vote confidently.

If you have about 45 miniutes then the InDepth Zone 15 minute show in the upper left of each grid is recommended.

If you only have a few minutes for each zone then look down the left hand column and find the issues most importand to you. Go across the row and listen to each candidates quick answer.  With each row your confidence in voting will increase.  After just three rows you will start calling your friends.

To add your voice to the May 18th KBOO School Board Election Special  e-mail joe@DemocracyHere.org.


Zone 1 in 15 minutes. Davidson
    by Meyer
    by Merrill
    by Meyer
    by Merrill
Purpose of education? quick answer quick answer
Education gap? quick answer quick answer
Board allies? quick answer quick answer
Transfer policy? quick answer quick answer
2025 vision? quick answer quick answer
Healthcare in school? quick answer quick answer
Standardized Testing? quick answer quick answer
H.S. Diploma means? quick answer quick answer
Raising money? quick answer quick answer

Zone 2 in 15 minutes. Anthony
    by Meyer
    by Merrill
    by Meyer
    by Merrill
    by Meyer
    by Meyer
    by Merrill
Purpose of education? quick answer quick answer quick answer quick answer
Education gap? quick answer quick answer quick answer quick answer
Board allies? quick answer quick answer quick answer quick answer
Transfer policy? quick answer quick answer quick answer quick answer
2025 vision? quick answer quick answer quick answer quick answer
Healthcare in school? quick answer quick answer quick answer quick answer
Teacher autonomy? quick answer quick answer quick answer quick answer
Standardized Testing? quick answer quick answer quick answer quick answer
H.S. Diploma means? quick answer quick answer quick answer quick answer
Raising money? quick answer quick answer quick answer quick answer

Zone 3 in 15 minutes. Hollands
    by Meyer
    by Merrill
    by Meyer
    by Merrill
    by Meyer
    by Merrill
    by Meyer
    by Merrill
Purpose of education? quick answer quick answer quick answer quick answer
Education gap? quick answer quick answer quick answer quick answer
Board allies? quick answer quick answer quick answer quick answer
Transfer policy? quick answer quick answer quick answer quick answer
2025 vision? quick answer quick answer quick answer quick answer
Healthcare in school? quick answer quick answer quick answer quick answer
Teacher autonomy? quick answer quick answer quick answer quick answer
Standardized Testing? quick answer quick answer quick answer quick answer
H.S. Diploma means? quick answer quick answer quick answer quick answer
Raising money? quick answer quick answer quick answer quick answer

Zone 7 is uncontested. Rosen
    by Meyer
    by Merrill
Purpose of education? quick answer
Education gap? quick answer
Board allies? quick answer
Transfer policy? quick answer
2025 vision? quick answer
Healthcare in school? quick answer
Standardized Testing? quick answer
H.S. Diploma means? quick answer
Raising money? quick answer
 Final InDepth Show: All candidates discuss standardized testing and Joe and Don discuss PPS Superintendent Carol Smith's


interviews with the candidates.

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