Old Mole Variety Hour for April 13th, 2015


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Produced by: 
Air date: 
Mon, 04/13/2015 - 9:00am to 10:00am
Climate change & extinction, crappy jobs or basic income, Studs Turkel, psychology o police violence

Joe Clement hosts this episode and we hear:
  • Bill Resnick talks with Brian Tokar about climate change and our best chances for avoiding mass death.
  • "Is the future of America a crummy service job stamping on a human face, forever?" Joe reads an article that explores this possibility, how both Hillary Clinton and Rand Paul promise to make it a reality, and how we might still avoid it.
  • Alan Wieder presents another mini-documentary on Studs Turkel, this month looking at his anti-racist influences and work to challenge white supremacy.
  • Bill is joined by Jan Haaken to discuss the psychology and sociology behind police violence.
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Where can we find that article? Is this it? http://www.vox.com I also started tuning in when I heard your comments about peoples' rights to meaningful activities - was that you or was this discussion of human rights in a different article?

Thanks and I look forward to your response. ~Roberta