22--NEWS--so 22 isn't missing and here's a bit of news--especially for KBOO news


Hi Folks,

My mistake on not sending a #22 in that last batch, just got ahead of
myself so I'll number this 22 and we'll be okay.  You should now
be up to #28.

I went through every single email I've received and so everything has
been filed and forwarded, I'm all caught up now, and things should slow
down for a while for the mass emails.

I intend to start writing some scripts myself.

PLEASE do not send out mass-emailings with these addresses
yourself.  Leave that to me.  New folks are signing up almost
every day so you may not have the most recent list and I'll just have
to send again.  So send your emails here unless you are contacting
some specific people on this list about projects.


Now maybe we can all start having some fun?

One other item, as I was going through the emails I discovered that
there were quite a lot of KBOO NEWS PEOPLE signed up who don't seem to
know about each other.  You folks might want to all find each
other to work together on some surrealist and dada news.  I may
have a script for you myself.

