2--TEXT--Raw material available at the Central Library



If you're not sure where to start, here are some book available at the Central Library.

1. Dada: performance, poetry, and art by John D. Erickson

2. Ombres et soleil/Shadows and Sun, writings of Paul Eluard

3. Geography and Plays by Gertrude Stein

4. At the roots of the stars: short plays of Djuna Barnes

(note: I didn't real all but did look through and didn't find what

had been promoted as "dada plays")

5. Surrealist Women: an international anthology edited by Penelope Rosemont

6. The Dada Almanac edited by Richard Huelsenbeck

7. Surrealist subversions: rants, writings & images by US surrealists

8. Manifesto: a century of isms edited by M.A.Caws

9. Surrealist painters and poets: an anthology edited by M.A.Caws

10. Selected poems by Guillevic

11. Oulipo Laboratory: texts from the Biblioteque oulipienne by Raymond Queneau

12. The Lost Lunar Baedeker: poems of Mina Loy

13.  Carnac/Suillevic translated by Montague

14.  Roof slates and other poems by Pierre Reverdy

15.  Blago Bung Blago Bung the early texts of Dada