Taking Precautions at KBOO



Published date: 
Wednesday, August 5, 2020 - 6:08pm

Recently, a staff member found a piece of paper glued to the ground in front of KBOO that contained a vaguely threatening message. Out of an abundance of caution, Jenna and Celeste have decided to preemptively cover the windows at the station with wooden boards. There has been no property damage at the station, this is just a measure to be on the safe side. This post is a heads up so that if you walk or drive by the station and notice that the windows are covered, you'll know what's happening and why.

The boards will be a blank canvas and J&C are planning on getting a mural or graffiti artist to decorate them. If you or someone you know is a mural or graffiti artist, please reach out to Celina at volunteer@kboo.org to share examples of work. Thank you!