Change is not easy but it's part of life....


Published date: 
Thursday, August 1, 2019 - 2:14pm


Dear KBOO Community: 

By mutual agreement, our long-term Volunteer Coordinator, Ani Hanes decided to leave her position at KBOO.  This is a mutual confidential agreement so I cannot say much- but I am available to listen and happy to meet with anyone in the KBOO community. As you know, our amazing staff is understandably impacted and exhausted from the past few months. I encourage you to support our staff by allowing me to listen to your concerns instead of our staff so they can take their time to process. As you know, volunteers are the back-bone of KBOO and it's the strength and diversity of the community that fuels our resilience. We are so grateful to BreAna Loranger, a volunteer at KBOO for over 17 years and who has been filling in as Volunteer Coordinator. They will keep us going as the interim Volunteer Coordinator - ensuring that KBOO continues to create learning and broadcasting opportunities for our community. We thank Ani for her many years of dedicated support to KBOO volunteer and membership community. She welcomed thousands of volunteers to KBOO during her tenure at KBOO and wish her the best of everything. 

One more note: On October 6th from 1-4pm Celeste Carey and I will be hosting a healing circle. We hope to hold one every month thereafter.  The invitation will be going out soon. 


In July, the board of directors made a unanimous recommendation to resolve the situation. The two options were conveyed during an in-person meeting with the union in July. We should have an answer within the week. In the meantime, we are fortunate that BreAna Loranger, will be filling in (again and Thank you ) beginning today.  BreAna is a long-time volunteer with amazing people and radio skills. Volunteer Orientations will resume this month and next. 


We are also excited to welcome Althea Billings, the new PM News Director.  Please stop by the newsroom on August 12th and say hello. Thank you again to all the volunteers that make great news radio. a


Please welcome Jenna Yokoyama as the new AM NEWS and PA Director and Radhika Raj, new Membership Director. We are delighted at the skills talent and creativity they will bring to KBOO. Of course, Jenna is a long-time member and was working for the past six months as the interim AM NEWS AND PA Director- so we know we got a great person!!


Unfortunately, Lisa Loving who was interim PM News and PA Affairs Director and was offered the permanent position declined and left KBOO yesterday.  

We are dealing with a long-term organization system and societal issue that is not one person’s fault but need to be addressed. For more on that- stay tuned for a community-wide “Town Hall” restorative circle being planned for early September. 

One of the amazing News Room interns McKenzie Beard stepped in and said “I got this” and is now producing the news.  She is fantastic. Between long-term newsroom volunteers Annette and Tami and Ray and McKenzie we are covered for the next 10 days. Fortunately, one of the top candidates for this position is still available and after references are checked- I think we have a new PA News and PA Affairs Director. 

Other news: for financial reasons, in consultation with our Finance Director, we’ve decided to restructure the underwriting department.  In 2019, KBOO spent more in salary, business cards etc then we've brought in this year. We are grateful for Serena Korn’s contribution to KBOO and will be hosting a farewell luncheon for her next week. The Development Director will take on the coordination of underwriting and share the work with the new Membership Director. 

Mike Ftaclas who has been doing an excellent job as the Membership Director will be working part-time with new Membership Director. His new title will be Interim Database Coordinator: An open hire will occur in October. 


Michelle Mauss who has also worked tirelessly to keep our Membership Department in great shape will balance out the Development/Membership Department as part-time Interim Fundraising Assistant. 


This new configuration of the Fundraising/Membership and clerical support fortifies our revenue-generating opportunities. More details to come.  


Please contact Rachel Pfeffer, Interim Station Manager directly for any questions, concerns or compliments.