Published date:
Tuesday, April 9, 2019 - 5:45am
Produced for (Program name):
It's membership drive time which means it's time for another News and Public Affairs Day! News and PA day only happens a couple times a year and it's one of our favorite's here at KBOO. Programming from 7am-8pm will be featuring interviews and speakers that highlight the intriguing news and public affairs your community radio station brings you every day! And we have some premium THANK YOU pledge gifts when you pledge to KBOO. Become a member at 877-500-5266.
Program Schedule:
7 - 8am | Democracy Now! |
8 - 9am | Postively Revolting |
9 - 10am | Beloved Community |
10 - 11am | Radiozine |
11 - 12pm | Digital Divide |
12 - 1pm | Zucked: Waking Up to the Facebook Catastrophe |
1 - 2pm | How To Do Nothing |
2 - 3pm | TBA |
3 - 4pm | Alternative Radio |
4 - 5pm | Democracy Now! |
5 - 6pm | KBOO Evening News |
6 - 7pm | Rising Up with Sonali |
7 - 8pm | The Struggle |