Hello KBOO Community!
Since 2014, KBOO has used the concept of the “Beloved Community” popularized by Martin Luther King Junior to give us a framework for ensuring we intentionally create space for dialogue between KBOO community members so KBOO continues to flourish as a space for creative collaboration.
A small group of KBOO volunteers and staff are meeting monthly to help ensure that the Beloved Community work of KBOO's 3-year strategic plan moves forward in a good way and continues to support us in being a better and better community and radio station.
Most recently we drafted a statement on what the term "Beloved Community at KBOO" means - AND WE WOULD LOVE YOUR INPUT!
Please fill click here to fill in the survey to give us your input- it will help us make sure this statement is the strongest, clearest, most inspiring and most inclusive statement it can be - thank you!
We will use this Beloved Community Statement as a guiding vision for the years to come as we work on deepening our internal and extrenal relationships to build the "Beloved Community".
Please fill in before September 30th. Questions? Please email del@kboo.org. Thank you again!