KBOO in the News, June 2012



Charles Robinson
Troutdale Library's Teen Council
Jennifer Kemp and Ruth Tenzer Feldman
KBOO in the News, 2012
  • Charles RobinsonGreen Ladies on KBOO Radio
    "Wanda & Intisar of The Green Lady on KBOO Radio's The Motif with Charles Robinson of The PDX Food Policy Council, Hannah Kullberg of Better Beans Company & PDX Food Policy Council, & The Motif host Yugen Rashad."
    This episode of The Motif aired May 19, 2012
  • KBOO Radio on the Angola 3: Interviewing law professor Angela A. Allen-Bell and Everett R. H. Thompson of Amnesty Intl. (caution: frameset!)
    On Tuesday May 29th, Albert Woodfox of the Angola 3 began a three day hearing before the US District Court in Baton Rouge, Louisiana, regarding discrimination in the selection of the grand jury foreman in Woodfox's 1998 retrial. Prof. Angela Allen-Bell wrote an article in the Spring 2012 issue of the Hastings Constitutional Law Quarterly, entitled 'Perception Profiling & Prolonged Solitary Confinement Viewed Through the Lens of the Angola 3 Case: When Prison Officials Become Judges, Judges Become Visually Challenged and Justice Become Legally Blind.' On April 17, 2012 Amnesty International delivered a 67,000 signature petition to Louisiana Governor Bobby Jindal's office, demanding Albert Woodfox and Herman Wallace's immediate release from solitary confinement. Governor Jindal refused to meet with the delegation. A new AI petition has been launched in response.
    Linda Olson-Osterlund interviewed them on A Deeper Look May 30th.
  • 2012 Studio MFAs interviewed on KBOO
    About PSU MFA students Evan La Londe and Jessica Hickey, joined by Fourteen30 Contemporary's Jeanine Jablonski and Kristan Kennedy, PICA’s Visual Arts Curator and PSU adjunct faculty. This was on the PSU School of Fine & Performing Arts Studio Practice tumblr, June 6, 2012.
    Eva Lake interviewed them on Art Focus on June 5, 2012
  • One World, One Wave: KBOO’s Sunday shows go around the world in 390 minutes
    "The charter for KBOO, Portland’s left-of-the-dial community radio station, vows to use its frequency to fill needs that other media doesn’t, bringing content to underserved groups. Tune in to KBOO anytime and you’ll hear that mission in action, but the signal is strongest on Sundays, when DJs from all over the world bring their records to the station.
    "Niche music genres—klezmer, Persian pop and Tejano among them—are broadcast to sometimes isolated communities, creating a connection between their homeland and their adopted home. WW wanted to meet the people behind the voices to learn about their shows and get recommendations for what every Portlander should be hearing."
    Jennifer Kemp and Ruth Tenzer FeldmanBy Robert Ham, Willamette Week, June 6, 2012.
  • Thanks, KBOO Community Radio!
    "Kudos to Jennifer Kemp, a volunteer at KBOO Community Radio and the relaxed, smiling person on the left in this picture. Jennifer recently interviewed me about Blue Thread. She escorted me into an intimidating techno-studio (can you detect anxiety here?), put me at my ease (no small task), asked thought-provoking questions, and edited the tape for KBOO’s half-hour show about books, “Between the Covers.”
    Jennifer Kemp interviewed her on May 24. Blue Thread Blog, June 13, 2012

New and Old KBOO Audio posted elsewhere


  • The Noisettes, live at KBOO
    "Live from the studios of community radio KBOO-FM Portland OR. The Noisettes joined the lovely Jennifer Robin for an evening of soundscuplture. The actual interview was not recorded, due to technical difficulties, but the performance remains."
  • 6.15.2012 KBOO Box Set Interview
    "Interview with Box Set's Jeff Pehrson and Jim Brunberg by Jeff Rosenberg on Portland's KBOO Community Radio (SongCircle segment) on Friday, June 15, 2012, featuring live, on air acoustic versions of "LeClaire" and "Love Express" as well as "All Is Forgiven" from the Lemonade CD. The interview spotlighted a seven night reunion run of Box Set "Duo" at McMenanins(sp) - Al's Den at the Crystal Hotel in Portland, OR."
  • Talking Earth


The Bike Show

  • KBOO Bike Show: Cycle Touring
    "This month the bike show hosts Ellee Thalheimer, author of Cycling Sojourner, the first cycle-tour guide to the state of Oregon, as well as Matt Picio, co-founder of Cycle Wild, a group that's mission is "to connect people with nature via the bicycle" and who organize free cycle trips in the Portland "rideshed." We'll be talking with them about how you can start your own bike adventures this summer, and possibly be getting some reports in from tourists on the road right now!"
    The Bike Show aired on June 6, 2012.

Youth Radio

  • Troutdale Library Teen CouncilThe Scariest Book You Ever Read
    Troutdale Library's Teen Council* interviews people of all ages about the scariest book they ever read. From October 2011
  • The Letter C
    Troutdale Library's Teen Council* interviews youth librarian Deborah Gitlitz about the letter C's appearance in her favorite storytime books. They find plenty of other "C's" in the library, too: in the Collection, the Catalog, the events Calendar, book Chapters... From December 2011

* (of the Multnomah County Library)

Check out our May KBOO in the News