Earth Day 2012 Conference: The Next Seven Generations



Grandmother Agnes Pilgrim
Duane Elgin
Barbara Ford
Erick Gonzalez
A conference uniting youth, elders, and all in between, around a common vision for our planet.

KBOO is co-sponsoring this exciting conference, featuring workshops, art and ceremony.

When? Friday, April 20, 2012, 6:00 p.m. to 9:30 p.m. (Registration opens at 5:00 pm)
Saturday, April 21, 2012 , 9:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. (Registration opens at 8:00 am)
Where? PCC Sylvania, 12000 SW 49th Ave., Portland, OR 97219
Tickets and Registration
More Information: A complete schedule, registration and membership information, check out the Earth and Spirit Council Website, at:

Opening Fire Ceremony: Friday, 6 p.m. - Free

Friday evening’s free opening ceremony includes the lighting of an outdoor ceremonial fire and Native American and African drumming.

Conference pricing and registration information:

Youth and Elders Panel: Friday, 7 p.m., $20 Members $25 Non-Members, $5 Students under 18.

Saturday Conference including all workshops except Guest Panelists: Free for Members and Students with a valid ID, $20 Non-Members (limited scholarships available).

Guest Panelist Workshops $25 Members, $50 Non-Members.

This regional conference unites youth, elders, and all those in between around a common vision for our planet. The educational focus will be enhanced by ceremony and artistic contributions to help achieve the international goal of registering A Billion Acts of Green.

On Friday night, April 20, noted elders Grandmother Agnes Pilgrim, Tata Erick Gonzalez, Larry Merculieff,  author Duane Elgin and environmental activist Barbara Ford will respond to the central conference question "What gives us hope and heart to keep working on what is best for our Earth in the face of difficult changes?"

Listen to KBOO interviews with these speakers.

On Saturday, April 21st, guest panelists will conduct three-hour intensive workshops exploring issues of sustainability and how indigenous wisdom is relevant to the problems and solutions of today.

Additionally, Saturday's schedule features over twenty workshops hosted by environmental, tribal, and spiritual leaders offering a wide variety of educational, hands-on activities that focus on the connections between environmental and spiritual challenges. Sessions will be interactive and participatory, with an emphasis on bringing together the wisdom of elders with the enthusiastic energy of youth.  Some examples include Your Environmental Handprint, Earth’s Medicinal Plants, The Inherent Naturalist, Awakening the Indigenous Heart, and Trash for Peace.

There will be two movies shown on Saturday: I AM and Deep Green, both free with conference admission.

Musical guests, Half Way There, will perform during the lunch break.


Saturday at 4 pm, there will be a free closing ceremony, including a student-led Pacific Northwest version of the Council of All Beings with local artists and elders.

A complete schedule, registration and membership information, check out the Earth and Spirit Council Website, at:

Audio of Conference speakers interviewed on KBOO: