SXSW Day Six: Making Friends and Waiting Around



SXSW is too much

 If I were not able to take this whole event day-by-day and then from there hour by hour, I would be pissed off all of the time. This is definitely a downfall of this festival: scheduling. There is simply too much happening here in a seemingly careless order. On top of it all, add the bars and venues that aren’t in the program because even they’re having huge free shows. I wanted to see AU yesterday -- a Portland band I’ve covered before during T:BA festival and would call friends -- playing two unofficial parties, but I couldn’t get in. Panels clash with films I want to see, bands perform next door to a comedy show and bleed through the walls, Bruce Springsteen goes on at Noon? So like I say, if I don’t adapt and take the schedule day by day, my head will explode! And then as I define my schedule, day by day, if I do not allow for the possibility of not getting in to shows, films, panels, or spending too much time on my blog, or not getting to bed because I’m in a party house, waking up late; if I wasn’t humble in the face of this, then I’d be pissed off constantly. The downfall is saved right there because so much is happening, you cannot possibly complain of boredom. You’d have to be a real jerk.

Yesterday was a bit of a slow down. I attended the Music Publishing and Licensing Meet Up in search of like-minded people who may actually be publishing in new innovative ways. Let’s face it; bands can’t sell a CD more than Salvation Army can sell a big screen tube television. I want to see what people are doing today to change things. Playtunes Music is one example of a forward-looking startup, by simplifying licensing agreements and generating opportunity for independent artists to license work for television, film, and commercials, they are opening the field up to independent musicians more than any music streaming site or social media. I also met singer-songwriter Krista Muir -- whom I’m in love with and may be the beginning of a wonderful friendship. She releases her own music differently too mostly by migrating back to vinyl and forgetting about CD’s and offering digital downloads, a move that many have made, but it seems a more forward-looking approach to albums releases remains a vital market opportunity.

After this, we hung out, waited in line for AU and didn’t get in. Then I wrote my blog for the day and swung back out to Old Pecan. I caught Todd Barry for another stand-up showcase. Todd is a unique voice in comedy, dry humored, gentle, the cleverness of his jokes, their simplicity is what makes him one of the top comics today. Also performing was Kristine Levine from Portland, whose white-trash Roseanne bit was mostly funny but kind of sad. Not saying she isn’t a professional! I had actually never seen her do a set; it took an international festival to do that. The other highlight was Brendon Walsh. Somehow no comment seems to be available about him, he was just damned funny, and that’s all I remember and all you need to know.

The party is about to begin; the final stretch. A few more films and panels to see, many more bands however. If I don’t have a Hunter S. Thompson night, at least one this whole weekend, just wandering wasted through the night with my badge, walking in and out of shows, feeling the energy and forgetting the details, then my time here will be a little too straight.