Due to one technical difficulty after another as well as when I have time to make it to KBOO there aren't any computers available with Audio, I will no longer be podcasting "Tillicum Wawa: Voices of the People." I apologize for any inconvenience. The frustration of one technical setback after another has finally gotten to me, and I have given up on the idea for now.
After a caller called in and told us of the occupation at Glen Cove in Northern California near Vallejo, Shusli did some leg work and got an interview with Corrina to discuss the situation. A group of people are blocking the construction of a park that will desecrate a shell midden and burial site.
Here is a link to the video of Arvol Looking Horse discussing the white buffalo calf prophecy. Arvol is the 19th generation keeper of the white buffalo calf pipe.
Here is a link to a Quese IMC video and his website. Quese is an award winning seminole hip-hop artist and activist.
Future shows we have lined up:
July 14th, Sara Libby will be with us to discuss the upcoming Housing Fair being offered by the Native American Youth and Family Center.
July 21st, Redwillow has arranged for us to have Joy Harjo live at KBOO. Joy Harjo is a Muskogee Creek musician, poet, and author of many amazing works.
July 28th, we will be having a diabetes special with two employees of the Native American Rehabilitation Association to discuss the health issues and services for diabetes. Diabetes is a rampant problem in Indian Country which is about 4 times higher than the national average. I read that 70% of one tribes members in the Southwest has diabetes.
Other shows we are working on with no set date yet:
We are working on an interview with Quese IMC.
We will sometime soon have a local activist and musician on, Tony Garcia.
We are trying to get Dr. Dale Walker and Michelle Singer from the One Sky Center to come down and talk about Native health conferences that are happening in the Portland area this summer and fall.
We are trying to get someone from the Yakama Nation to talk to us about their buffalo restoration program and other habitat restoration programs they are working on.