Threats to the Columbia ~ Teach In



columbia river teach in

KBOO is a proud sponsor for the "Threats to the Columbia" Teach-In

Activists Call to Protect the Columbia from Dirty Industry

Hold “Threats to the Columbia” Teach-In

Sponsored by Columbia Riverkeeper and Portland Rising Tide


Portland, OR, 23 March – As residents of the Northwest seek to move toward renewable energy, multinational oil and coal companies plan to use the Columbia River to further their dirty energy dreams. Columbia Riverkeeper and Portland Rising Tide will host a teach-in at the First Unitarian Church of Portland, 1011 Southwest 13th Avenue, on March 23 at 7pm. The teach-in will focus on two of the most destructive projects threatening those living close to the Columbia: the tar sands shipments and the proposed coal export terminal in Longview, WA.


WHO: Columbia Riverkeeper and Portland Rising Tide


WHAT: Moving presentations by local experts and impacted community members about tar sands shipments and the proposed coal export terminal.


WHEN: 23 March 2011, 7:00pm


WHERE: Buchan Reception Hall at the the First Unitarian Church of Portland, 1011 Southwest 13th Avenue, Portland, OR


The tar sands in Alberta, Canada are currently the largest industrial project on the planet, and mega shipments of tar sands equipment will be moved up the Columbia this spring. The proposed Coal Export Terminal, located less than an hour from Portland, would bring between 5 and 60 tons of coal annually from Wyoming and Montana to the Columbia River-dramatically increasing coal particulate in our air and further polluting our water with toxic mercury. These are just two of the dirty projects that corporate executives have in store for our backyard.


Columbia River Keeper, Portland Rising Tide, and the Climate Justice Coalition work to confront industrial threats to habitat and livelihood in the Northwest. For more information contact:


Tim Swenson

Rising Tide
