Portland Y.O.U.T.H. Summit


youth summit

KBOO is a proud media sponsor the 2011 Portland Y.O.U.T.H Summit

When: February 11th & 12th, 2011 10:30AM

Where: Portland State University

Since February of 2007, Portland community members along with National guest speakers have hosted the Annual Youth Summit for youth in Oregon and other surrounding states. In response to the untimley death of Davonte Lightfoot, the Youth Summit was born.

On February 11 & 12 2011, Y.outh Organized and United to Help (Y.O.U.th) a non-prot organization will host Portland’s 5th Annual Youth Summit weekend at Portland State University. Friday night will feature National and local artist performances and the Youth Talent showcase at Parkway North in Smith Hall.

The Summit will begin Saturday with registration available online at www.portlandyouthsummit.org.

Check in begins at 10:30am;

11:30am the Summit begins, workshops start at 12:00pm.

This Summit will feature past workshop presenters, Mic Crenshaw: Inuential Freedom Fighters, Desmond Spann (Dlux): The Emcee Mind, Karanja Crews: The Game, Darlene Solomon (Blacque Buttery): Healthy Relationships. Added this year to the workshop cycle includes Brotha’s Reaching Out (BRO) and Jasiri X who will also carry the keynote address.

Jasiri X is a youth leader in Pittsburgh and a revolutionary emcee. His workshop is How to Succeed in Hip Hop without selling your soul. For more information on Jasiri X- www.jasirix.com

Y.O.U.th is committed to bridging the gap between young and old and will feature for the rst time adult/parent workshops. Invited organizations to speak are, Multnomah County’s Commission on
Children, Families, and Community, The Black Parent Initiative and the Multnomah County Health Department.

The Portland’s 5th Annual Youth Summit is FREE to all youth 18 and under, all others are asked for a donation to help
organize the FREE event. All youth who attend the workshop sessions will receive a limited edition t-shirt, notebook,
and food. There will be free give aways and prizes during the talent showcase. For updated information check out
the Facebook page (Y.O.U.th Summit) and the website.
The Summit will include information and merchandise vendors ranging from small businesses, non-prots and
governmental agencies. Portland’s 5th Annual Youth Summit is sponsored by Y.O.U.th, Portland State University Social Work and University Studies Department, KBOO Radio, The Black Parent Initiative, Journey to Freedom Project, Recruiter Watch PDX and many individual community supporters.

For more information CLICK HERE