Portland Old Time Music Gathering 1/12-1/16



Portland Old Time Gathering
KBOO is proud to be a media partner of the 12th Annual Portland Old Time Music Gathering
January 12-16, 2011
5 days of jam sessions, concerts, square dances, a family dance, instrumental and singing workshops.
The Gathering is a big old music party! It’s a celebration of Portland’s vibrant and nationally-recognized old-time music community. The Gathering proudly features mostly Portland musicians who love that Southern Appalachian style acoustic string band music. Besides the official concerts, the public is invited to participate in the jam sessions, the old-time square dances, the workshops, and the Sunday Cabaret participants’ concert. The festival is meant to be participatory, its not just for sitting audiences. Join in the fun!
Mission statement
The Portland Old-Time Music Gathering is sponsored by Bubbaville, a non-profit, all-volunteer cultural educational organization that supports old-time music and traditional square dance in Portland, Oregon.
The Gathering is a grassroots volunteer-run festival that aims to celebrate and enrich the community of traditional old-time Appalachian style stringband musicians. The Gathering wishes to create an environment where the music is as meaningful as it is when we gather to swap tunes and play in a friend's living room or meet to play at a campsite during a summer festival. As such, we feel that it is important to keep the event non-profit and volunteer run; whether we are taking tickets, sweeping the floor, organizing an event, or playing music for a concert; we are all volunteers contributing to make the thing happen.
WED        Jan 12 THE KICKOFF PARTY ~ FREE ~ 9pm ~ 21+
The Spare Room, 4830 NE 42nd Ave
Rabbit Foot ~ Foghorn ~ The Shadies 
Foghorn and Rabbit Foot play raucous old-time string band dance music. The Shadies are a classic country group.
THURS    Jan 13 2 PUBLIC JAM SESSIONS ~ FREE ~ 7pm ~ 21+
          1. Fiddle tunes with Steve Grover of Salmonfly
                 The Moon & Sixpence, 2014 NE 42nd Ave
          2. Tunes and songs with WB Reid & Bonnie Zahnow
                 The Muddy Rudder Pub, SE 7th & Tacoma
THURS    Jan 13 SQUARE DANCE FOR ALL ~ FREE ~ 7pm ~ All Ages, no experience needed
                 The Secret Society Ballroom, 116 NE Russell Street
                 2 BANDS! Greasy Chain & The New Five Cents
                 2 CALLERS! Steph Noll & Charmaine Slaven
FRI           Jan 14 THE BIG CONCERT! ~ $10 advance / $15 door ~ 8pm ~ All Ages
                 The Scottish Rite Center 1512 SW Morrison (15th & Morrison)
                 7pm pre-show entertainment in the lounge - Sammy Lind & Nadine Landry
                 8pm in the concert hall
                 Pharis & Jason Romero
                 Ron Kane & Meghan Merker
                       The Brainstormers
             Following the concert
             11:15+/- in the ballroom – Square dancing with Bill Martin & The Tallboys
Saturday requires some explanation. From when the doors open at noon to closing time at 1am Sunday, the entire Scottish Rite building will be filled with amateur and professional musicians in jam sessions. The jam sessions are the main attraction, the music ranges from old-time to bluegrass to jug band to country to folk! All are invited to bring an instrument and join in the fun!
SAT         Jan 15 ALL AFTERNOON ~ FREE ~ 1pm-8pm ~ All Ages
                 The Scottish Rite Center 1512 SW Morrison (15th & Morrison)
             Clogging workshops with Leela Grace & Evie Ladin
              Singing workshop with Pharis Romero
Fiddle and banjo workshops with Ron Kane, Greg Canote, Tom Sauber, Molly Tenenbaum, Jason Romero, Leela Grace
                 4pm Family dance with caller Susan Michaels and The Uncle Wiggily String Band
                 1-4pm Concerts
                 Greg Clarke, multi-instrumentalist
                 Bill Martin, old-time finger-style guitar
                 Phil & Vivian Williams, national championship fiddler
                 Molly & Dan Tenenbaum w/ Dram County, string band music, duet harmonies
                 The Canote Brothers, humor, fiddle tunes and duet singing
SAT         Jan 15 PUBLIC SQUARE DANCE ~ $10 advance / $15 door ~7pm
                         All Ages, no experience needed
                 The Scottish Rite Center 1512 SW Morrison (15th & Morrison)
                 7 Callers! 7 Bands! 2 Dance floors!
                         Callers - Caroline Oakley, Evie Ladin, Jordan Ryule, Paul Silveria, Susan Michaels, Suzanne Girardot, Tony Mates
                  Bands - Axel Eph, Queen City Bulldogs, Ron Kane and Meghan Merker, Shout! White Dragon, Striped Pig, The Pork Pies, Triple Chicken Foot
SUN         Jan 16 OLD-TIME CABARET! ~ FREE ~ 1-5pm ~ All Ages
             Mission Theater, 1624 N.W. Glisan (SW16th & Glisan)
Hosted by the legendary Miz Kitty (Lisa Marsicek) – Ten minute performances of a wider variety of music by a wider variety of folks including some of the best old-time musicians and singers in Western North America!
SUN         Jan 16 THE END-OF-THE GATHERING PARTY ~ FREE ~ 1:30-5:30 ~ 21+
                 The Moon & Sixpence, 2014 NE 42nd Ave
Foghorn's traditional warm-hearted long goodbye, unamplified, good food and drink, time to visit, make farewells and wind down. Some say this is the best part of the Gathering…
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