kboo fall raffle
Winners for the Fall 2010 Raffle
Grand Prize: $400 Gift Certificate to Breitenbush Hot Springs & be a guest dj for 1 hour on your favorite KBOO musical program. Winner: Marisa Anderson
2nd Prize: $50 Gift Certificate to a local restaurant, $130 Gift Certificate to Portland Center Stage, & one night stay at Hotel deLuxe. Winner: C. Nathan
3rd Prize: $200 Gift Certificate to Portland Saturday Market. Winner: Sue Supriano
4th Prize: $100 Gift Certificate to People's COOP. Winner: Daniel Jenks
5th Prize: $50 Gift Certificate to Next Adventure. Winner: Tracey Taylor
Thanks to Breitenbush Hot Springs, Hotel deLuxe, Portland Center Stage, People's CO-OP for their donation to this raffle.