KBOO is a cornerstone of the beautiful, musical, radical, and weird community that makes Portland the most inviting city in the world for anyone who wants to exist outside of the corporate mainstream. I’ve learned, danced, and been so fired up from the perspectives and content KBOO’s community has brought to life. I’m thrilled to offer my strengths, experiences, and vision to the KBOO Board and the community at large.
My consciousness has been shaped by radio. My earliest memories are of AM country music, like I now hear every Saturday morning on KBOO. I spent my formative years going to radio stations to watch DJ’s at work and interview music directors. I tried to build an AM transmitter when I was 8, so I could share my music with anyone on my block.
In college I trained to be a radio DJ. Now with Internet radio, I spend my days listening to music from the UK, Europe, and the Pacific Islands; sports from everywhere; and live music and news from Portland on KBOO. Every Saturday at noon I’m tuned in to the Grateful Dead. Every year I listen all weekend long to the Blues Fest. I even keep up my own online radio station, streaming my diverse DJ sets and commentary! Radio makes me human.
KBOO is the pillar of Portland’s independent radio scene. 24 hours a day there’s something on KBOO to twist your brain and upend your perspective.
KBOO’s strength creates room for so many new independent radio stations- KBOO is the spiritual mother to all of Portland’s left dial. KBOO makes space for diverse communities across intersectionalities, and brings new axes of diversity to the forefront. As our human condition evolves, KBOO is the voice for the latest emerging frontiers.
KBOO’s community now stretches far beyond Portland. Our lovely city and state is KBOO”s heart, but our body is the world. We are a force for good beyond the borders of our Portland transmitter, and we are the guiding light for our city. Portland needs a strong, healthy, engaged KBOO.
I’ve lived in KBOO-land for 30 years, as an English teacher, software engineer, small business owner, DJ, and community activist. I spent several years as a volunteer on boards helping shape Oregon children’s and education poIicy. I was active with Critical Mass and Indymedia in their primes. I’m a passionate biker and a skeptic of the mainstream news. Now I channel my energy into advocacy for keeping people housed through Impact NW.
I love music most of all- all sorts of music. I dance to DJ Anjali on KBOO. I shower to folk music in the mornings. I make my own DJ sets. I know how to build community- through emphasizing and building each other’s strengths. I’m well-enough known in political and business circles to get the attention of those who can fuel KBOO’s mission.
I love Portland, I love Oregon, and I love KBOO. I hope you’ll elect me to carry KBOO forward!
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