Have you seen the video of the Governor of Alaska Sarah Palin. She's at a Turkey farm to pardon a turkey as part of her official duties.
Following the event Governor Palin gives an interview for television in the background clearly visible is a worker slaughtering turkeys one by one. The clueless Palin even ends the interview joking about that she's in the right place for Thanksgiving because she will be cooking the Turkey. The footage is both horrifying and hysterical. Not for the squeamish or those with very soft hearts. Every time I see it I find myself laughing, but what does it tell us if anything about Palin. Is she a buffoon, someone so laughable that we can dismiss her with great skits by Tina Fey or is she personally the new face of the most right wing of the right wing? Is she a facist with a populist front? Charismatic leader or a polarizing flash in the pan?