PFLAG responds to Presidential Candidate John McCain's announcing his opposition to adoption rights for lesbian and gay couples

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PFLAG responds to Presidential Candidate John McCain Announcing His Opposition to Adoption Rights for Lesbian and Gay Couples

John McCain did an interview with the New York Times, and the Sunday, July 13, 2008 paper published an article about that interview which included this:

*Mr. McCain, who with his wife, Cindy, has an adopted daughter, said flatly that he opposed allowing gay couples to adopt. “I think that we’ve proven that both parents are important in the success of a family so, no, I don’t believe in gay adoption,” he said.*

Read the whole article:

McCain’s Conservative Model? Roosevelt (Theodore, That Is)
New York Times - Sunday, July 13, 2008

And read PFLAG's July 14, 2008 Press Release response:

Presidential Candidate John McCain Announces Opposition to Adoption Rights for Lesbian and Gay Couples
“McCain Would Deny Loving Homes to Children Who Desperately Need Them,” Says PFLAG