2022 Annual Membership Meeting & Election Guide



Published date: 
Tuesday, August 16, 2022 - 6:04pm




WHEN:   Saturday, September 17th, 2022 at 1pm

WHERE: The Clinton Street Theater

      2522 SE Clinton Street

face masks required inside the building 

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It has been an exciting year! KBOO Community Radio invites you to the Annual Membership Meeting for station updates, to meet candidates for KBOO’s Board of Directors and for live music from the band, The Reverb Brothers and DJ, 8Flat.  Members can also participate in a lively discussion about the future of the station.

So everyone can stay safe, we will offer meeting access by Zoom in addition to live participation. 

Join your fellow KBOO Community Radio members along with staff, board members, volunteers and on-air personalities for a fun, informative and entertaining afternoon.



Calling all KBOO members - Election Time is here! It's time to vote and make your voice heard.

We need to fill four open seats on the Board of Directors and enact two new bylaws. 

Please learn more about the candidates and view their statements below. Also, be sure to check out the proposed bylaw revisions. 

KBOO encourages members to vote online before Saturday, September 10th, 2022 or during the Annual Meeting. Members may request a paper ballot by emailing data@kboo.org or by calling the station at 503-231-8032, ext 204. 

Don't miss this chance to help shape our beloved community radio station! 

Election results will be announced at the Annual Membership Meeting on Saturday, September 17th, 2022.





Bylaw Revision 1. Removes language stating that electronic voting must conclude one week before the election date. Text to be added is in bold. Text to be removed has been crossed out.


At each annual election, the members of the corporation shall by ballot elect one-third of the members of the board, the nominees receiving the most votes being elected. Candidates may run for election by submitting a statement of interest to be received by the Nominating Committee, or its designee, at least nine calendar weeks prior to the election. The board of directors shall be responsible for ensuring that an adequate number of candidates representative of the diversity of the corporation’s members are nominated. The election shall be accomplished by mail through a paper ballot or, if the member consents, by electronic ballot, or both, as authorized by the Board. A member who agrees to vote by electronic means in an election is not bound to vote by electronic means in a future election. The election shall be concluded at the annual meeting by a count of paper ballots returned by mail and electronic ballots returned one week before the annual meeting, and paper ballots cast at the annual meeting. The nominees receiving the most votes will be elected. The results of the election shall be announced by the president, or the president’s designee, at the annual meeting.


Bylaw Revision 2. Revises committee meeting attendance requirements for non-staff, non-board members, to take into consideration workgroup meetings that occur between committee meetings; will be relevant whether all such meetings are “committee” meetings or “workgroup”. Text to be added is in bold


Section 3. Other Committees. The Board of Directors may create other committees not having and exercising the authority of the Board of Directors in the management of the corporation. Members of these committees shall include at least one Board member appointed by the Board, one staff member appointed by staff, and any member of the corporation who attends three consecutive workgroup or committee meetings.

Section 5. Term of Office. Board members shall be appointed to committees annually by the Board of Directors at its first meeting after the annual meeting. Staff members shall continue as committee members until their employment ceases or a successor is appointed. Members of the corporation shall continue as committee members until they resign or miss three consecutive committee meetings without good cause as determined by the committee.



Ona Harshaw


Thank you for considering this application for a position on the KBOO Board of Directors. 

I currently volunteer at the station. I arrive on Monday mornings to sort mail, route voicemails and tidy the reception area and entry way. I have noticed that the station is in need and if filling a board position will help support the station then I am willing to serve.

I am currently on the We’Moon Homestead, Estacada, Oregon Board of Trustees working on Finance and Groundskeeper committees. I am a member of the Portland local NAACP Chapter 1120-B, on the ByLaws Special Committee, compiling a document that synthesizes Oregon State Law and the NAACP National ByLaws for use with our local Branch. I participate in The People’s Institute for Survival and Beyond NW Undoing Racism Planning Committee, assisting with a host of duties to strengthen our coalition undoing, unlearning and letting go of the foundational fictions of racism in America. I am also an involved Member-Owner of the People’s Food Co-op.

I fell in love with radio while still in elementary school, sleeping with my transistor radio under my pillow. DJ’s answered letters, responded to requests, and played the music I was waiting for. About the time I became fed up with commercial radio, late in my teens, community radio was being born all across the country. My local stations were WYSO, Antioch College, Yellow Springs, Ohio, and WCSU, Central State University, Wilberforce, Ohio. I began volunteering with WYSO during fund drives in the early 2000’s. In 2004, when I took a position at Antioch College managing a scholarship program that required students to devote volunteer time to community organizations, I encouraged students to spend time at the station, among other volunteer opportunities.

About the same time I had the opportunity to take students, as volunteers, to The Free Press National Conference for Media Reform which were held every couple of years in a different major city. The students and I attended the Memphis conference, and after I left Antioch College I continued to volunteer with the Free Press Conference, attending conferences in Denver and Boston. The conferences introduced me to organizations such as Prometheus, Democracy Now!, and Fairness and Accuracy In Reporting. It was a great opportunity to interact with media personalities, lobbyists and reporters who were working hard to keep radio free from commercial interests. Of course that work is ongoing.

After moving here from Ohio in 2013, I was interested in volunteering with KBOO. I was familiar with KBOO from hearing the Old Mole Variety Hour on WYSO! I took my orientation training in 2017 after I retired and began volunteering in the reception area. Since then I have helped with various fundraising events and kept a steady shift on the reception desk.            

I look forward to serving as a full term Board member and continuing to support KBOO Radio.


Sherry Morisch 


This letter of intent concerns the opening position on the KBOO Board of Directors. 

The instructions for this letter require me to address three areas: 

1. Activist Experience 

2. Coalition or Board Experience 

3. Why I want to serve on the KBOO Board, specifically 

1. As an activist, I’ve stood up for those less fortunate my entire life. Recently, I created a video and voice-over for gubernatorial candidate, Patrick Starnes, focused on his campaign platform initiative, “Campaign Finance Reform”. I am the co-host of Progressive Talk Radio on TV from the Willamette Falls Media Center, I manage their YouTube and Facebook page, though it’s not my show and we are still working on a format for social. I also moderate the iPA - independents for Progressive Action Facebook group and page. Currently, I’m watching over the accounts so there’s a person to connect with if needed. Most of my work volunteering focuses on 501.c3 organizations like Habitat for Humanity, the Project Management Institute, and Willamette Falls Media Center. I also advocate for small businesses and helping the homeless. My husband and I have been known to create sack lunches and pass them out to homeless people downtown and during the winter months of 2020, I volunteered with the Molalla Warming Center. I plan to protest with a local group regarding the overturning of Roe by this recent SCOTUS. I’ll be documenting the effort with video and Live Facebook feeds. 

2. Past coalition or Board experience - I did hold a seat on the Board of Directors of the Willamette Falls Media Center (WFMC) for 2 years. My time was in 2015-2017, this position offered me experience in running social media for a cable access television station and was very educational. I was involved in setting up social media marketing for the Project Management Institute's Portland Chapter and helped develop the MAAS (Marketing as a service) program for the Chapter. 

3. Why do I want to be on the Board of Directors for KBOO? Honestly, I want to be involved with KBOO, and this is my next avenue outside of obtaining a staff position. KBOO is a Portland Institution, and I believe in the foundation of the organization’s values regarding diversity and inclusion. Having led the effort to build a SAAS Marketing team with the Project Management Institute Portland Chapter, I understand the foundational importance of good leadership and how it can impact the success of organizations or bring them down. KBOO stands for equity, leadership, and progressive initiatives that align with my own, and I’d like the opportunity to help where I can and offer guidance where my skill set fits in. I want to help people grow and learn to be one with their community. 

I hope this offers enough information for you to make an informed decision. Thank you for taking the time to read this note. 


Joyce Nance


My name is Joyce Nance and I'm interested in becoming a KBOO board member because I think I can help. I think my background in various jobs, hobbies, and pursuits fits with KBOO.  I understand KBOO's humble beginnings and its continued path towards growth. I very much appreciate its big tent philosophy and the voice it provides for underrepresented persons and causes in the Portland community

I think my background can help KBOO in a variety of ways. First of all, I understand business pretty well. I have a B.S. degree in business/accounting from San Francisco State and I ran my own successful video production/post-production business for 13 years. As a business owner with many employees, I performed and/or supervised all financial, HR, sales, and tech functions.

I've also had many other jobs and endeavors through the years. Right now, I work part time as a screener for America's number one progressive talk radio show. Besides screener duties, I am the backup tri-caster operator and the backup sound board operator. While working on this three hour live radio show, I have increased my knowledge of politics and current events significantly as well as developed a deep understanding of “the clock.”

I also perform stand up comedy around Portland as well as producing a weekly stand up comedy show. In addition to that, I do a weekly political podcast called “Not Right In The Head”. I have written six books.

Other types of applicable experiences include HOA board member and Temple board member. In the past, I have been an activist within the LGTB community and a member of Amazon Workers Solidarity. 

Regarding experience with KBOO, I went through all of the basic trainings in early 2020 and then didn't end up doing any shows because the pandemic hit almost as soon as I finished my training. In 2021, I did  produce three KBOO video commercials in collaboration with a project KBOO and Open Signal were working on.

To sum up, I'm interested in joining the KBOO board. I am hard working, reliable, and charming. I understand deadlines, financial statements and speaking in front of crowds. What I don't understand, I am willing to learn. Please consider me.


James Draznin


In the face of rising fascism in the U.S. and around the world, my commitment to KBOO’s questioning and progressive perspectives has increased. But it is not a new outlook for me.

As a 6th grader I debated for Vietnam peace talks. What I really supported, ending the American War in Vietnam by withdrawing troops, was just too radical for 1964-65. Later that school year, I made the case that humans had created god, not that god had created humans.

For college I picked UC Santa Cruz—where “question authority” was a guide--rather than stay on the waitlist for the oldest American university, where the above war was largely created.

At UCSC I studied political philosophy and then dove, a bit blindly, into studying ancient Greek, because its speakers invented democracy.

While I am less idealistic than I was 50 years ago, I’ve learned much through experience, particularly as a nonprofit employee and board member. Charity, aka the “third sector,” although far smaller than the other sectors—the public and for profit—provides a useful perspective on them. The public sector must exclusively be controlled by and serve the people. Corporations are powerful enough in and through the second sector, and must not control the public sector. In fact, the public sector must monitor and check the excesses of the second sector. The third sector provides a solution for only some of the second sector’s excesses.

In high school I thrilled reading Malcolm X’s autobiography. But like many Americans my understanding of why we must correct centuries of injustice by prioritizing diversity has grown over a lifetime. After 400 years of enslavement and lethal discrimination, it remains necessary to repeat “Black Lives Matter” again and again. Americans must also overcome discrimination against persons with other than European lineage. Finally, the near-complete genocide of Native Americans and subsequent brutal treatment of survivors must be addressed. KBOO gives voice to multiple underserved and underrepresented parts of our community and in so doing fosters a more cohesive and stronger community.

KBOO’s practice of allowing all members and volunteers to vote for its governing board is unusual, but further confirms its standing as a community nonprofit.

Recently KBOO station manager turnover has been quite rapid. Between too brief and too long CEO tenures, KBOO should seek a median. The community in general and members and donors in particular may hesitate to support what they perceive as an unstable or stagnant nonprofit. I plan to focus on that challenge.

KBOO’s volunteer training in radio operations is commendable and deserves support. As for programs, my favorites are Democracy Now, First Voices, Gospel and More, Sojourner Truth, Africa Oye, Spanish Language music, blues, and country. I look forward to becoming more familiar with KBOO programs and operations, and assisting KBOO as I can through Board service.