The MP3-based streams make our station universally accessible to listeners using Mac, Windows or Linux systems, and works with most of the popular audio programs, including iTunes, RealPlayer, Windows Media Player and more. You can also find us through the iTunes directory of internet radio stations. Whether you're in a downtown coffeshop or a cybercafe halfway around the globe, we want you to enjoy KBOO with the best audio possible.
What software do I need to stream KBOO?
Our software uses a type of MP3 called a M3U Audio Playlist, which is very common. Most audio applications will play MP3s. Here are several of the more popular free applications for desktop & laptop computers:
For tablets and hand-held devices, we recommend
Having trouble streaming?
There are two reasons why KBOO's streamed audio may rebuffer or reconnect:
- A disconnect between the listener's connection and which stream they are listening to (in other words, you have dial up and are trying to listen to the high bandwidth stream)
- Internet congestion (which can be related to the ISP you use, or, can just be the internet itself).
If the stream is unavailable, please contact us (select Chief Engineer).
Using iTunes
- Go to Advanced, Open Audio Stream, and then type in
- http://live.kboo.fm:8000/high.m3u for high bandwidth or
- http://live.kboo.fm:8000/low.m3u for dialup
Another way to use iTunes is to :
- select Radio from the lefthand pane (beneath Library). There is a list of various categories of radio.
- Choose Eclectic. Then there'll be a list of radio stations -- you'll
- find us at KBOO Community Radio.
Waiting for Video?
"I click the "listen now" button on the website and it takes me to a black screen with the message "waiting for video", and nothing ever happens."
Or, I click on the link and nothing happens...
Assuming that you have one of these audio players installed on your computer...,
On PCs
- go to your control panel.
- Select Network & Internet, then
- Internet Options, then
- Internet Properties. In the
- Programs Tab, click the
- Set programs button beneath Internet Programs. Then select
- Associate a file type or protocol with a program. Then select
- .m3u -- it will show you what program it thinks it should open. If it doesn't say Windows Media Player or iTunes or WinAmp, then click change program and select the correct program.
- Ctrl-Click on the stream you'd like to listen to
- http://live.kboo.fm:8000/high.m3u for high bandwidth or
- http://live.kboo.fm:8000/low.m3u for dialup
- Select Download Linked File (or Download Linked File As, if you don't know where it downloads)
- Now go to the downloaded file. (It will have a name like high.m3u or low.m3u). Ctrl-click and select Open With.
- Choose your MP3 playing software.
You may want to try a different browser, too. Firefox works very well for me for listening to KBOO, Google Chrome not so much.