DRAFT KBOO Strategic Plan CHAPTER 7: Proposed Organizational Changes





One of the core priorities that emerged during this planning process was the opportunity to improve KBOO’s internal operations. Indeed, the future of KBOO depends on the organization’s ability to improve its internal protocol and expertise in order to move forward effectively. The streamlining of internal operation is a relatively simple and straightforward means by which to spend limited organizational resources more thoughtfully. Also, KBOO can maximize incoming dollars from diversified revenues more efficiently. Above all, this commitment to renewed internal operations will be crucial in identifying the greatest needs and priorities that impact the staff, volunteers, and membership. In short, streamlining internal operations will increase KBOO’s external presence in the community and its ability to attract and retain stakeholders, which is one of the core motivators for this planning process.

To this end, the following goals focus on internal priorities that will enable each group to work
more effectively separately and collectively.

Goal #1 - Board Development

The Board will strengthen its effectiveness and its cohesiveness.


  • Reaffirm a basic skill set in board practices and functions for all KBOO board members, to broaden the board’s expertise for successful operation of board functions and overall organizational leadership and development.
  • Support and invigorate the committees serving under the board’s direction.
  • Strengthen board commitment for development of a strong and active board that will oversee the implementation of this strategic plan.

Implementation Plan:

  1. Action Step: The board will complete and implement a plan for professional board development. This includes identifying and conducting skill-specific training in:
    1. Board Basics:
      • Agenda- the purpose of and how to set the agenda
      • Meeting Minutes- the purpose of and simple format
      • Meetings- how to run a meeting, policies and procedures
      • Roberts Rules of Order- Quorum, voting, polling, consensus building
      • Working with Program Director and collective management body
      • Policy Development and Adoption
    2. Board’s Role in Fundraising
      1. Board’s Role in Organizational and Board Development
      2. Officers and Executive Committee Roles
      3. Legal Obligations and Financial Responsibilities
      4. Committees:
        • Definition, function and purpose of committees
        • How to develop committees
        • How to run a committee and be effective
        • Committee work plans
        • How to report to the board from committee
        • How committees work with staff and board
        • Committee recruitment

      Timeline: June 2011 – June 2013.

  2. Action Step: Review and revise job descriptions, responsibilities, duties and procedures for KBOO board members, committees and volunteers.
    Timeline: June 2011 – June 2012.
  3. Action Step: Provide further board education and training in operations, diversity, fundraising, development, outreach and other emerging issues for the organization.
    Timeline: June 2011 and ongoing.
  4. Action Step: Revise and refine board recruitment practices to ensure that the board members possess the breadth of skills set and expertise that is necessary for success.
    Timeline: June 2011 to August 2011 – Before Annual Meeting in September.
  5. Action Step: Improve committees by recruiting new members based on expertise, revising work plans and ensuring board member participation for each committee.
    Timeline: June 2011 – December 2011.
  6. Action Step: Provide leadership for volunteer recruitment, activities and recognition.
    Timeline: Ongoing.
  7. Action Step: Increase active fundraising, broadening and deepening giving to meet the fundraising goals and needs of the organization, including Fund Drives, community outreach, and grant writing, among other fundraising efforts.
    Timeline: To coincide with Fall Fund Drive and ongoing.
  8. Action Step: Coordinate and develop comprehensive Human Resources training program to emphasize the distinct and interrelated relationships of board to staff to volunteers to community partnerships. The outcome will be better decision-making and the ability to put into effect policies and procedures that are of maximum benefit to the organization.
    Timeline: June 2011 – July 2011.
  9. Action Step: Review and revise, as needed, this strategic plan and its goals, implementation and action steps on a bi-annual basis. Participants in the review can include board, staff, support volunteers, Working Group members and community and private individuals.
    Timeline: June/November 2012; June/November 2013; June/November 2014; June/November 2015; and June 2016.

Goal #2 – Staff Development

The board will strengthen KBOO staff through professional resources and increased training and recognition to improve organizational results internally and externally in the community.


Increase and broaden the training and support needed for staff to perform the duties and functions to ensure the successful operation of the overall organization.

Implementation Plan:

  1. Action Step: Conduct internal needs assessment for staff development and capacity building.
    Timeline: June 2011 – August 2011.
  2. Action Step: Update job descriptions for all positions to include roles and responsibilities, evaluative procedures and reviews for each position, as well as rights of each staff person.
    Timeline: June 2011 – December 2011.
  3. Action Step: Develop and implement a process for staff reviews
    1. Training for collective management body and board on how to administer personnel
    2. Development of a proactive review process for paid staff, paid contractors.
    3. Once review process is in place, reviews would take place every six months.
    Timeline: September 2011 – December 2011 and ongoing.
  4. Action Step: Prepare and implement an annual training plan for KBOO staff, volunteers, and programmers.
    1. Training plan will be linked to individual staff member needs for skill or professional enhancement as identified in their personnel review.
    2. Training and recognition can include cross training in important skill areas for more effective operations of the organization.
    3. Training and recognition can include attendance at conferences, workshops or retreats as they apply to staff duties or organizational need.
    4. Training and recognition can include further education or certification training in a staff person’s field of expertise.
    Timeline: June 2011 – December 2011 and ongoing.
  5. Action Step: Provide an annual retreat for staff and board to team-build, review and revise the strategic plan and exchange ideas for enhanced operations of the organization.
    Timeline: Once per year: 2011- 2016.

GOAL #3 – Overall Volunteer Development

The board and staff will increase and broaden the volunteer base of support to KBOO by providing for positive and important volunteer experiences within the organization.


Volunteers will continue to provide critical and essential support to KBOO’s overall operations and programming.

Implementation Plan:

  1. Action Step: Analyze, evaluate and ensure each volunteer training program for each volunteer position will target the most critical knowledge to ensure volunteer success.
    Timeline: Ongoing.
  2. Action Step: Increase support for guidance, training, scheduling, outreach and supervision for volunteers who work with staff or on a project-by-project basis.
    Timeline: Ongoing.
  3. Action Step: Complete a Volunteer Development Plan to include recruitment, training and opportunities for volunteers to participate in marketing and outreach efforts.
    1. Coordinate this plan with the personnel inventory and the identified needs.
    Timeline: June 2011 – August 2011.
  4. Action Step: Continue to provide for volunteer recognition.
    1. Annual Volunteer Recognition Event
    2. Ongoing Volunteer Recognition for important contributions to KBOO – on a weekly or monthly basis, and on the website and on air.
    Timeline: June 2011 and ongoing.
  5. Action Step: Revise and update Volunteer Handbook for all volunteers at KBOO that should include:
    1. KBOO mission, philosophy
    2. KBOO Strategic Plan
    3. Guidelines, rules and responsibilities for volunteers
    4. Any training or certification requirements
    5. Facility access and use policy
    6. Conflict of interest guidelines, public representation guidelines
    7. Other policies or guidelines as identified
    Timeline: June 2011 – August 2011.

GOAL # 4 - Community Development

The board and staff will participate in regional efforts that forward KBOO’s mission.


As KBOO sustains a prominent and highly visible regional presence, opportunities for the organization to grow, educate and deepen its effectiveness in the community are enhanced.

Implementation Plan:

  1. Action Step: Strengthen and develop community-based partnerships and collaborations with community organizations that deepen KBOO’s community connections with other nonprofits and organizations that:
    1. Further KBOO’s mission.
    2. Share KBOO’s organizational values.
    3. Serve the same populations as KBOO.
    4. Strengthen KBOO’s presence as a peer mentor for other community radio stations and media outlets.
    5. Increase KBOO’s visible community presence through strategic partnerships and collaborations.
    6. Develop KBOO’s opportunities for creative revenue diversification.
  2. Action Step: Create protocol for regular community presence at local events within the Portland Metro Area by sponsoring at least one public event per year in the targeted communities that KBOO serves. Priorities will be determined based on the outcomes of the Comprehensive Outreach Plan to be conducted as part of this strategic plan implementation.
    Timeline: Beginning in Fall 2011 and ongoing at least once per month, or as reasonable.
  3. Action Step: Phase out repeaters in Corvallis and Hood River in order to concentrate on efforts within the Portland Metro Area.
    Timeline: June 2011 – December 2011.
  4. Action Step: Cultivate participation in organizational, developmental and training efforts that further independent media in Oregon and SW Washington, as well as nationally.
    1. Provides for connectivity with other similar efforts.
    2. Allows for sharing information.
    3. Create mechanisms for training opportunities throughout Oregon.
    4. Provides for networking opportunities for future funding or program development for KBOO and similar programs across the region and the state.
    Timeline: 2013-2016.