31--PART/PROP = Justynn Tyme (official hat toss)



From: DADA Yow! <audiocityweekly@yahoo.com>
Subject: PART/PROP = Justynn Tyme (official hat toss)
To: onehundredonehours@yahoo.com
Date: Sunday, May 18, 2008, 10:28 AM

greetings rich and all!!
names Justynn Tyme: I do a lot of things but mainly soundcollage,
experimental music, dada text and insane illustrations. Also, if anyone
needs a voice let me know.
I can do sound/music but I am rusty
since my systems been down but I working the kinks out so I may be back
in the swing of things next month or so. just an fyi but I do have
archived material for a nice mis-match.
I was thinking I could
produce a 30min to 2hr block using my material as well as including
some material from other artists in the dada yow community which I am
curator, as my friend c.goff III mentioned already.
I also
have a few 8x11 art prints, flyer's, and such that can be set out for
sticky fingers during the event which I believe is also physical in
conjunction with the broadcast(?)

If Tea kettles ruled the world, I'd be a pot holder.- Dada yow!