29--PART/PROP--Andy Hosch--Audio artist--background soundscapes/noise


From: Timbuktunes <andy@timbuktunes.com>
Subject: Re: background soundscapes/noise
To: onehundredonehours@yahoo.com
Date: Saturday, May 17, 2008, 5:33 PM

well I'm on list now ---have received all of your bulk
mailings today.  

Do put the word out to those concerned that I would like
to help supply background music/noise collages if people are looking for a
collaborator in that regard.   I also have some surrealish stuff from the past involving
words + music that I'd like to get into your hands in case you might
want to use some of it.   I'll work on putting together a
composite disc sometime in the next week or two. -------Andy