Voices from the Edge


This Thursday on Voices from the Edge: Should reparations be paid to close the racial wealth gap caused by housing and lending discrimination? An interview with OSU's Jonathan Kaplan.  Historic housing and lending discrimination against black Americans has created a significant discrepancy in their overall wealth. The average black American has only about 15 percent as much wealth as the average white American, even though black Americans earn about 60 percent as much as white Americans. And at every income level, white Americans have much more wealth than black.Jonathan Kaplan, associate professor and chair of the Department of Philosophy, and Andrew Valls, assistant professor in the Department of Political Science, published their study in the July issue of Public Affairs Quarterly say research they've recently published makes the case that it may take reparations to close this gap. In the study, they argue for a shift from viewing reparations in the framework of slavery to emphasizing relatively recent housing discrimination practices which continue to put people of color at a disadvantage.We'll be talking with Jonathan Kaplan about his findings and his recommendations, what form reparations would take and whether reparations are the best way to address race-based disparity. Call in and let us know what you think about reparations.  David Smith-Ferri is a poet and activist with Voices in the Wilderness/Voices for Creative Non-Violence. He recently returned from three weeks in Amman, Jordan where he visited Muslim and Christian Iraqi refugees as well as those trying to assist the thousands of Iraqis displaced by the war. David is stopping in Portland as part of a West Coast tour and will be visiting with Jo Ann and Dave, sharing his observations and his poetry about his Jordan trip. Also joining the conversation will be Tom Hastings, Director, PeaceVoice Program, Oregon Peace Institute.Support member-funded, community-based radio by becoming a member or renewing your membership. You can join KBOO my calling 503-231-8032, by logging onto www.kboo.org or by dropping by 20 SE 8th Ave. Portland. Join in the conversation by calling 503-231-8187 or e-mailing voicesfromtheedge@gmail.com during the broadcast.Coming up on Voices from the Edge:February 28: David Smith-Ferri: A Poet's View of the War