ICE Raid Resources



Friday June 22  from 6pm to 9pm there will be a community event James John Elementary School located at 7439 N.  Charleston Avenue, in the St. John’s area of Portland.  Many of the students at this elementary school had parents working at the Del Monte plant.  This event will be an opportunity to mobilize the community and to create an information pipeline that will help get information to our community faster.  There will also be a vigil to honor the imprisoned victims.

There will be a March Against the Raids, and in support of Immigrant Rights SUNDAY JUNE 24, at the Immigration and Customs Enforcement BUILDING, located at 511 NE BROADWAY in PORTLAND, at 2 pm. This has been Organized by the Portland Immigrant Rights Coalition, a group associated with the center for intercultural organizing.  You can find out more information about these events at or at 

Catholic Charities and El Programa Hispano have agreed to open two bank accounts to help families affected by the ICE raid.
The first account will be a general emergency assistance fund to help families that need food, diapers, or other types of emergency assistance.  The second account will be to provide assistance to families that need to pay private attorneys for representation in deportation hearings.  Those who wish to donate should send checks to

Catholic Charities
231 SE 12th St,
Portland, OR 97214
To donate to the first fund, please write RAID EMERGENCY FUND in the memo line of checks.  To donate to the second fund, please write RAID LEGAL FUND in the memo line of checks.  They  will also accept cash or check donations at 451 NW 1st St, Gresham, OR 97030

If you or someone you know has been affected by these raids, there are several places you can contact:  The New Sanctuary Movement can be reached at 503-203-4267
 For Emergency resources and shelter for affected families you can call Catholic Charities at 503-542-2855. 
 And For Resources for high school students with friends of family members detained during the raids, Project Return has offices at Marshall, Jefferson, Roosevelt High Schools.  The contact person is Jonathon Zook, you can reach him at 503-453-6466.

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