Ep.8 Watermelon Soup for the Solar Eclipse



Published date: 
Monday, August 21, 2017 - 11:30am
Produced for (Program name): 

Watermelon Soup for the Solar Eclipse






16   cups watermelon flesh (approx. 12 lb. melon)

3/4   cup inner white watermelon rind

1/2   cup watermelon seeds (if you’re lucky enough to find a seeded one ;)

8     oz jicama, cubed

1     lb. persian cucumbers, (sliced thinly at a cross section in circles)

1/2   cup lime juice

2     tablespoon honey

4     mint springs, chopped fine





Separate rind from watermelon flesh.


Tear/cut 12 cups of flesh into chunks for blending and set aside 4 cups to cube and fold in. 


Cut watermelon rind, 1/2 cup chunks for blender, 1/4 cup cut into slivers for garnish. Remove seeds and set aside for toasting.


Set aside and cube still smaller, 2 oz of the cubed jicama for garnish.


Set aside 1/4 lb. of the persian cucumbers for moon garnish, cut half of those in 1/2.


Blend watermelon flesh, watermelon rind, cucumber and honey in batches to desired consistency and pour into a large bowl then fold in jicama, lime juice & mint. Refrigerate.


Toast watermelon seeds in cast iron pan ’til darker, ours popped when ready. Salt to taste.


Ladle chilled watermelon soup into bowls and garnish with slivered watermelon rinds, jicama, full moon & 1/2 moon cucumbers, and toasted watermelon seeds.


Serve with optional slice of lime on the rim & with an additional drizzle of raw local honey!



Stay Calm





Tave & Brian






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