Letters to Trump 1/26/17: On the way to authoritarianism - lies are truth, truth is a lie...



Published date: 
Friday, January 27, 2017 - 2:30am

Resident Trump:

Now I see the path you are taking this country down – and it is incredibly authoritarian. This is the way democracies turn into police states. And you probably don’t even have any idea that this is what’s happening, you are just letting yourself be “advised” by the neo-Nazi Steve Bannon. Bannon is the one with a plan to whiten the U.S., to detain and deport brown people for the crime of being brown, to imprison black people for the crime of being black, to torture, imprison, deport and ban Muslims for the crime of being Muslim.

And your priority appears to be forcing an investigation into a completely unfounded lie you made up that millions of people voted illegally – when there is not one ounce of evidence of that having happened.

Instead, there is a ton of evidence that hundreds of thousands, if not millions, of mainly minority voters were actually illegally stripped from the voter rolls or otherwise disenfranchised due to the ‘Crosscheck’ system and the overturning of the Voting Rights Act of 1964 – just in time for this election.

But it’s not about the facts, is it. As Hannah Arendt wrote, “Totalitarian politics — far from being simply antisemitic or racist or imperialist or communist — use and abuse their own ideological and political elements until the basis of factual reality, from which the ideologies originally derived their strength and their propaganda value — the reality of class struggle, for instance, or the interest conflict between Jews and their neighbors — have all but disappeared.”

You invent facts, and get your spokesperson to say they are ‘alternative facts’ – like how many people were at your inauguration, for instance – that gets people to focus on disproving your made-up ‘fact’ while with the other hand you are taking away rights and liberties from innocent people.

Interesting too, how most of the countries you just banned immigration from are countries that the US is bombing right now. Libya, Syria, Somalia, Yemen – and as our bombing campaigns there create more radical fringe groups that then terrorize the local populace, and as the local populace is forced to flee for their lives and seek refuge, you would then shut the door on them and force them back to the country where they will surely be killed.

But I think the most frightening thing that happened today is that Miami-Dade municipality caved in to your bullying and said they will no longer be a sanctuary city, in response to your threat to pull federal funding. In another quote from Hannah Arendt, writing about Nazi Germany, “The problem, the personal problem, was not what our enemies did, but what our friends did. Friends ‘coordinated’ or got in line.”

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