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Some links relevant to our review of season Two of Orange is the New Black for the Old Mole

For the 23 June 2014 Old Mole Variety Hour, Iven Hale and I review season two of Orange is the New Black.

Alas, season two has the problems we noted in season one, and lacks some of the compensating virtues.

It continues downplaying the problem of sexual violence, for instance.

We agree with much of Yasmin Nair's season two review, "The Reign of Whitey is Never Over."

But we note that the popularity of the show apparently helped the successful campaign to halt the transfer of 1000 women from Connecticut to Alabama (where sexual violence seems perhaps especially bad).

And the show has been a rallying point for other work on prison reform.

Click here to contact the Suffolk County Executive about conditions in correctional facilities there.
(You can also learn about solitary confinement from the Old Mole's Left and the Law.)

But for information and action on prison abolition, you'll need to turn to the work of activists like Angela Davis and Dean Spade and groups like Restorative Justice and Black and Pink, or, more locally, the Portland Chapter of Critical Resistance.

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