

Interview with Phillip Charette and Alex Ellison

On Thursday, August 25, Tillicum Wawa interviewed Phillip John Aarnaquq Charette and Alex Ellison about their new CD "Tengaurtukut." Have you ever heard of Yupik Hip-Hop? Neither had we until we found out that Phillip and Mr. Elive (Alex) were releasing "TENGAURTUKUT." This music seems to reach into ones soul and you can feel the life of the music flowing through your veins and into other worlds. There really seems to be no genre for this music. It is not the kind of music that can be put in certain categories. It is in a category all its own. "TENGAURTUKUT" will be available on September 16 and can be found on the internet at www.phillipcharette.com or at www.mrelive.com. Get yourself a copy and enjoy.

We at Tillicum Wawa are especially grateful and proud that we got to be the first program to air this music and KBOO is proud to have this CD in the Native American section of our library. Thanks Phillip and Mr. Elive.